Locked out - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Just as I predicted, the Strike Force members have another epic fail on their hands. How is it that Jim figured it out, but Bullock didn't?

The time is now - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

I wonder how many people Fries can freeze with that gun of his at one time? He's definitely in command here, and I really don't think he's going to tolerate anyone getting in his way!

Moving fast - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Why does Lee continue to put up with the craziness that always seems to surround Jim? She is either a nutcase herself or truly in love. And as the saying goes, love is blind.

Not now - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Once again, Jim finds himself in a situation. I hope he makes a better decision this time around.

She's about to pop - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Lee looks pretty far along. I hope the excitement of the day doesn't cause Baby Gordon to make an early appearance!

Cryogenic Astronaut - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Victor Fries will do anything to save Nora, including upgrading his suit. This version is much more fashionable and suits his name perfectly. The other one looked too much like Firefly's. You never know, maybe she inspired him. Either way, nice job, Mr. Freeze!

Prisoners - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Jim, it looks like you and Lee are going to have a frozen baby. I can only imagine what Lee is saying to him right now.

Strike Force version 1.?? - Gotham Season 2 Episode 3

I think there is an original Strike Force member here, but I'm surprised this special team hasn't been dismantled. Jim and Harvey are putting themselves at risk being with these guys.

Help her - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

I bet these two would be great friends were they not in the predicament they are in right now. Both are kindhearted fools.

Get out!! - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Oh, Lee. Why are you there with crazy Ms.Peabody? Is there anyone you don't trust?

Partners in insanity - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Here are the two most insane people in Gotham. These whackos look like they are on a mission. I hope it doesn't have to do with Penguin!

Freeze Time - Gotham Season 2 Episode 13

Fries is not fooling around! He wants Nora, and he wants her now!

Gotham Season 2 Quotes

From the first day on the job, you've been an insubordinate troublemaker.

Commissioner Loeb

The master will unleash hell upon you. Dark days are coming.
