Listen, kid - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

How did that gun get on the table? Did someone else put that gun on the table or did this guy? I hope he's not suicidal.

Coffee and booze - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

There's nothing like a good cup of coffee to go along with with a glass of booze. Keeps you mellow, yet awake. This guy, though, just looks plain old sad.

Tell me why - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Bruce looks both sad and confused. Is he getting the answers he's looking for?

Who's there - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

It looks like this might be the guy Bruce is looking for. Will he provide any answers on how to find his parents' killer?

Out of your league - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Bruce is a little young to be crashing a club like this. Besides, he's not even dressed appropriately. Check out the dude to the side of him!

Joker lite - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Here she is again looking somewhat more normal. Her outfit is ghastly, but to each their own.

Punk party - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

This club looks crazy wild. Is this where all the Jerome fans hang out? Count me in, please!

Bring in the clowns - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Yikes! Who is this? And what is this Joker wanna-be singing? Be afraid. Be very afraid.

Penguin bliss - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Penguin is looking rather...relaxed. Has he had more "treatments" from Professor Strange and Ms. Peabody?

Madness defined - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

What goes on inside Professor Strange's odd head is anyone's guess. He's definitely not amused here, but he is scary!

Taking notes - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Who does Professor Strange have in his office? Is Penguin in there or Victor Fries? Whoever it is, Strange is taking copious notes.

Keep moving - Gotham Season 2 Episode 14

Jim doesn't stand a chance of stopping Bruce. After everything he's been through, he's more determined than ever to find and confront his parents' killer.

Gotham Season 2 Quotes

From the first day on the job, you've been an insubordinate troublemaker.

Commissioner Loeb

The master will unleash hell upon you. Dark days are coming.
