Alexis Sides Headshot


Alexis Sides In A Suit


Alexis Sides B And W Close Up


Fbi True Craig Turk Press Photo


Fbi True Anne Beagan Press Photo


Alexis Sides B And W


The Daughter of a Murder Victim - The Pillowcase Murders

The daughter of a murder victim speaks about how her mother's death was initially thought to have been a heart attack or a stroke before it was later deemed murder.

A Second Murder Victim - The Pillowcase Murders

Billy Chemirmir smothered and murdered many women, including this victim, between 2016 and 2018, stealing their jewelry and valuables in the process.

A Murder Victim's Image - The Pillowcase Murders

This is an image of one of the older women killed as part of the Pillowcase Murders crime spree committed by Billy Chemirmir between 2016 and 2018.

Missing Jewelry - The Pillowcase Murders

The pictured jewelry belonged to one a victim killed at the hands of convicted murderer Billy Chemirmir during the string of killings known as the Pillowcase Murders.

Sheet - The Pillowcase Murders

A sheet illustrates the perfectly straight positions in which many of Billy Chemirmir's murder victims were found, which was one thing linking the murders.

Police Officer Discusses the Pillowcase Murders

A police officer discusses the heinous nature of the murders committed by Billy Chemirmir in Texas, which took the lives of more than 20 elderly women and one man.

P+ Quotes

Don’t get it twisted, this season of All Stars will be a game within a game. And a master class of survival. Rawr!


Silky Nutmeg Ganache: I just want to say that I’m so glad that we got the girls this season. That means a lot to me.
Kylie Sonique Love: We’ve always had the girls.
Silky Nutmeg Ganache: Okaaaay!