Emily and the Dickinsons go to the spa on Dickinson Season 2 Episode 7.

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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 7: "Forever - is composed of Nows"
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Dickinson Season 2 Episode 7 Quotes

Edward: This is ridiculous. You’re going to spend even more money on some experimental voodoo after we wasted a fortune on that silly opera.
Mrs. Dickinson: Emily is sick. She can barely get out of bed. What if she has the measles? Or worse, spiritual measles?
Edward: What the hell is that?
Mrs. Dickinson: I don’t know, but I don’t want to find out.

Mrs. Dickinson: Get up, Emily.
Emily: No, don’t make me go.
Mrs. Dickinson: Today is going to be good for you.
Emily: But I hate my life, and I truly want to die.
Mrs. Dickinson: And that’s exactly why we need a spa day.