Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 6 Review: Plata O Plomo (Silver Or Lead)

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We knew it was going to happen. This is a narco show. This is the final season. 

So it should come as no surprise when some of our favorite characters end up dead. But that doesn't mean it doesn't hurt.

(FYI, if you haven't watched the episode yet, there are SPOILERS AHEAD! You've been warned.)

The Miami Operation - Queen of the South

The moment George set foot in Miami to keep an eye on Boaz, I had a bad feeling about it.

George is great at a lot of things, but he makes a lousy spy, and Boaz is crazy, but he's no fool. He knew exactly why Teresa had sent George to see him, no matter how many times George denied it.

And the more Boaz denied being angry about Teresa turning Javier over to Lafayette to be killed, the more intense that uneasy feeling in the pit of my stomach grew.

I still owe Teresa my life. She should have killed me for disobeying her, but her heart’s bigger than my balls. No, she’s got nothing to fear from me.


When Boaz asked George to be his Number 2 on Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 6, I worried that he was trying to lull George into a false sense of security.

George Sleeps In - Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 6

Boaz didn't even mention his cousin, Angel, and what are the odds that Angel would have accepted George in that position without a fight?

The throwback to Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid was almost sweet, which is when I suspected that things were about to fall apart between George and Boaz. 

When Boaz found that container of fentanyl, the Haitian actually looked shocked, which made me think that Boaz was setting him up, but I couldn't figure out why. 

Then George finally found a way to slip into Boaz's secret room, and it became clear. It was all a setup. 

Not only did Boaz use it to convince George that he was loyal to Teresa, but he's probably also cutting her product himself to pocket more cash. 

George Is On a Mission - Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 5

I loathe that Boaz killed George.

From the moment Ryan O'Nan hit the screen during Queen of the South Season 2 Episode 1, he was a presence. At first, he made me cringe, then he made me laugh, but soon enough, he made me love George. 

George respected Teresa from the very beginning, and he loved her like a sister. He was loyal to her until the very end. 

The only upside to his death was that it was quick, and he didn't suffer, but I wish he'd had another minute to make that phone call to Teresa. 

When she doesn't hear from George, that will have to set off alarm bells for her, right? Boaz can't get away with this for long. 

Boaz Gives a Warning - Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 5

As long as Boaz was loyal to Teresa, his brand of brutal craziness was somewhat acceptable, but now, I hope Pote has a bullet with Boaz's name on it. 

In Europe, Teresa made securing a deal with Navarro a priority, and she wasn't backing down. 

Parking that van outside of the Interpol agent's daughter's ballet class seemed like a classic cartel move. It also made James uncomfortable. 

James believed that Teresa was different. Previously, she had only resorted to violence as a last resort, but lately, she's been using it as a preemptive strike. 

It bothered James so much that he discussed it with Kelly Anne. Although Kelly Anne may have questioned Teresa in the past, she understood why she had changed.

Kelly Anne Isn't Happy - Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 6

James: Sometimes I hardly recognize her anymore.
Kelly Anne: Well, none of us are the same. We’ve just all been through too much and seen too much.
James: Sometimes I miss that girl from Culiacán.
Kelly Anne: You know I was Cole’s doormat for years. The minute I met Teresa I knew we shared something and she helped me realize we were survivors.
James: Yeah, we all are. She’s become something else.
Kelly Anne: She doesn’t want to just survive anymore. She wants to live. So that girl from Culiacán, she’s gone.

But even I was a bit surprised by Teresa's merciless response to Shaker and Bledsoe. 

These two were greedy and arrogant, and when they called Kelly Anne "girlie," I wished she could have broken Shaker's nose the way Teresa had broken Simon's. 

But what Teresa had in mind for them was more savage.

If they want to act like gangsters, let’s treat them like gangsters.


Shaker and Bledsoe - Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 6

In part, she wasn't wrong. This duo had played this scam multiple times, probably raking in over a billion dollars. They sold their property in bad faith, then callously crushed anyone who tried to hold them to the law, all while displaying sleazy smiles that signified they knew no one could stop them.

Until someone did. 

Shaker was so smug even when he was tied to that chair with plastic sheeting surrounding him. He really thought this was all for show, and I wish he'd had a few more moments of realization before the bullet went through his head. 

For some reason, killing Bledsoe surprised me. Yes, he was a loose end, but James was right; that's not something the Teresa we knew even a year ago would have done, and now she didn't hesitate.

Pote Brings the Plastic - Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 6

So what do you think, TV Fanatics?

Will Teresa's path lead her to take a bullet as we saw in that supposed flash forward years ago?

Is George the only member of our core crew who will meet their demise before the series is over?

And how long will it take Teresa to figure out what happened to George and what Boaz is up to? Also, if Boaz gets the punishment he deserves, who is left to take over the Miami operation and keep an eye on things in Sinaloa?

And is there any chance we'll hear from Camila or Isabela before we're done?

All hail King George! He was one of a kind and will be sorely missed.

King George Returns - Queen of the South Season 4 Episode 12

Hit that big, blue, SHOW COMMENTS button down below to chime in with your thoughts on Queen of the South, then check back for our next review, and in the meantime, you can watch Queen of the South online here at TV Fanatic.

Plata O Plomo (Silver Or Lead) Review

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C. Orlando was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. Follow her on Twitter.

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Queen of the South Season 5 Episode 6 Quotes

We’ve already got more money than we can launder. This is about power. You could have died today.


I still owe Teresa my life. She should have killed me for disobeying her, but her heart’s bigger than my balls. No, she’s got nothing to fear from me.
