9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15 Review: Ocean's 9-1-1

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Was 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15 the funnest hour in the short history of this show?

There's nothing cooler than a good caper, and this was an episode that gave us vintage 9-1-1, while also serving up quite the twist. 

We're used to seeing our heroes save the day and ride off into the sunset. We aren't used to seeing them save the day, and then end up on the wrong side of the glass. 

Buck Takes A Knee - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15

Having just one true emergency, and finding a way to loop all the characters into the story was a genius idea. 

From the start, it seemed like a rather standard affair. A call comes in, the team is dispatched and a rescue takes place. But that was the only normal thing that took place this week. 

On The Job - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15

Things got weird when the police showed up at the firehouse and removed all that money from the truck. 

Because we've gotten to know these characters very well, we as the audience knew there was no way any of them were involved in the heist.

Related: 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 13 Review - Fight or Flight

But that didn't make the interrogation scenes any less entertaining. 

Tying in the flashbacks as a way to show us the evidence the detectives dug up was a nice touch as well. 

Bobby at the Vault - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15

From the perspective of the detectives, they were all viable suspects.

Though it was a bit odd they were locked on Hen, although as the pieces began to come together it started to make more sense. 

I'm so confused. Can you start over?


The revelation that the money was stolen from the armored truck, and not the vault, started to bring things into focus.

The only way someone would be able to get away with that is if they were able to steer everyone's attention somewhere else.

A Tense Exchange - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15

Like say towards a vault, with two unconscious people trapped inside. 

Related: 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 14 Review - Broken

It's always great seeing Athena and Hen team up, and it was their visit back to the vault that leads to the first big revelation of the night. 

Franklin seemed like a rather nervous man, but seeing as how this is our first impression of him, who's to say that's not his baseline? And his constant need to apply hand sanitizer is far from abnormal. 

But when Hen found the container in the vault, it suddenly became obvious that Franklin was in on it all along. 

A Big Hole Tall - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15

Franklin's subsequent death though, made it clear that it was more than just him.

Considering how much the detectives were on her, I'm glad Hen was the one to put it altogether. 

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Thinking back to some of the famous caper movies, including the movie from which this episode got its title, there's always scenes throughout the story that clue you into what's happening. 

But even knowing that the robber was amongst the variety of characters we met this week, the Marty reveal still came as a shock. 

Hen Looks Back - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15

Having Hen and Chimney break down just how Marty and Franklin went about their plan was comical.

When you lay it out, it was a solid plan from start to finish. But there's one thing that Marty didn't account for, and that's the classic backstab. 

When you're dealing with a very large sum of money, there will be greed. A good caper will also teach you that. 

As fun as this story was, things took a somber tone at epeisode's end. Bobby is the heartbeat of the firehouse, and having him on leave is going to really change the dynamic of Station 118. 

If this new information is enough to get him suspended from his job, there's no telling what it could mean for his relationship with Athena. 

Bobby and Athena have been tested, and they always come out the other side stronger. Let's hope that streak continues. 

Opening The Vault - 9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15

Loose Ends

  • The robbery and investigation were the main focus, but there were little personal moments thrown into the chaos as well. It seems that things may still be a bit strained with Maddie and Chimney, and Eddie is having some financial problems. 
  • I thoroughly enjoyed the detectives calling out the fact that Maddie fielded the 911 call that got sent to her brother's station. 
  • Who else thought the robber was going to be the courier who was left in the car? 
  • Another week where Michael got to do more than just be at Athena's house. Let's keep it up!
  • Athena's laugh and Buck's confusion were the best interrogation scenes!

Okay guys, what did you think about this installment? 

Did you guess the identities of the thieves?

What's next for Bobby?

Leave all your comments down below so we can discuss.

And watch 9-1-1 online right now via TV Fanatic!

Ocean's 9-1-1 Review

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Rating: 4.4 / 5.0 (5 Votes)

Whitney Evans is a senior staff writer for TV Fanatic. She is a lover of all things TV. Follow her on X.

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9-1-1 Season 2 Episode 15 Quotes

Maddie: I really hope he has a great first day back.
Buck: You want me to tell him that?
Maddie: No.

Buck: So, now what?
Bobby: Now we get in there.
Buck: How are we gonna do that?
Bobby: We're gonna crack this safe.