The Affair Season 4 Episode 3 Review: Who's Dying?

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Poor Vic. 

On The Affair Season 4 Episode 3, we finally learned the reason why Vic was losing all of his body weight, and it made for a heartbreaking hour. 

Being a surgeon himself, he was very definite about not following through with any treatment. People have their unique way of dealing with things, but I figured Vic would change course by the end of the episode. 

Resistance - The Affair

His reasons made sense. He admitted that he had been giving people false hope his entire career, and drew the line at giving it to Helen. 

The acting from Omar Metwally and Maura Tierney in the car scene was phenomenal.

They knocked it out of the park in every single scene to the point I felt like I was there with them, looking through the car window as they attempted to pick up the pieces from the shocking revelation. 

Related: The Affair Season 4 Episode 1 Review: A Captivating Return to Form

We should have known that Vic wanted a kid based on the conversation Priya had with Helen on The Affair Season 4 Episode 1. It's becoming clear that Priya knows Vic a whole lot better than Helen does, and that's going to prove problematic as Vic's condition worsens. 

The Truth - The Affair Season 4 Episode 3

Helen is looking for a way to move back to New York City. She's grasping at straws to get back to what she knows and loves, but with Vic dying and wanting to be close to his family, there's no way it's going to happen now. 

Vic wanting a child is going to cause strain in their relationship because Helen doesn't seem all that enthused about the idea of getting pregnant again. 

To be fair, she already has four children, so it's not hard to understand why she is so apprehensive about it. She's 45-years-old and is trying to find her happy place. 

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There are a lot of things to take into consideration here. Primarily, we don't know how long Vic is going to be around. Could you imagine Helen looking after a dying Vic and a baby? 

There's no getting away from the fact that Vic is asking a lot from her, but maybe there's a part of Helen that would love to reproduce with Vic to keep a part of him with her forever. 

Another Dilemma - The Affair Season 4 Episode 3

I wanted to yell at Helen when she told Vic's mother he was sick while they were at the gala celebrating Vic's career. There was a time and place for that conversation, and that gala was not it. 

We never really got to see how desperate Helen was until she was crying while shouting at Priya to help her outside the hotel. Obviously, Helen did not want to lose Vic, and that's why she had to turn to his mother. 

Whether Vic's parents have a whole different stance on the matter to Helen is a completely different story. They need time to process the news that the kid they sacrificed everything for is very likely going to die before them. 

What I love most about this season is that Helen is like a fish out of water in Los Angeles. She hates everything about the place and even makes fun of it when she has the chance. 

Related: Who Is Phoebe Tonkin Getting Close to On The Affair?

Sierra going on at her about the BYOC event was always going to end in disaster. I did expect Helen to lash out, but I never expected it to happen so soon. 

I dare say Helen will wind up making things right with her down the line, but let's just say there are going to be many awkward run-ins between them for a while. 

What surprised me the most about this hour was that Helen did not pour her heart out to Noah. Whenever Vic's health deteriorates, it's going to give Noah the opportunity to help out more with the children. 

His relationship with Helen is still very frosty, but that will likely be repaired somewhat before the season comes to a close. 

Noah and Janelle - The Affair Season 4 Episode 3

The whole situation at the school was topical, and it worked very well as a plot device to get Noah closer to Janelle. The reveal that Janelle is Anton's mother floored me. 

Janelle puts on a hard-as-nails front, but it's clear there is so much more to her story than meets the eye. Noah spinning the walkout into something positive was a typical Noah thing to do. 

I'm surprised he hasn't tried to spin his affair with Alison into something positive to get back with Helen. In any case, Noah has not learned from his mistakes, and that's why I rolled my eyes when he and Janelle kissed. 

The last thing we need is another complicated romance, but unfortunately, it seems like that's the way the show is going. 

Is everyone else loving the present scenes as much as I am? Anton was on fire with his comments about Alison. Her relationship history is definitely enough to confuse someone. 

There were very few details revealed about what happened to her, but given that Cole knows about Ben, I think it's fair to assume things get serious between them. 

Okay, The Affair Fanatics!

What are your thoughts on the latest hour?

Hit the comments below. 

Be sure to watch The Affair online if you want to get up to speed on all the latest action. 

The Affair continues Sundays on Showtime. 

4.03 Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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