Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 3 Review: LaWanda: The Book of Burial

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We already knew this show was dark, but I never expected it to get this dark so soon. 

On Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 3, Reverend Holt wanted to send a message to The 100, but what he got in return was an array of bullets and another bunch of problems. 

Holt wants to think that there's another way to deal with The 100 than the law. We've already witnessed the police being racist to Jefferson, so how is that supposed to instill hope in the community that the police will help?

The March - Black Lightning

If anything, the police are part of the problem. There's a racial bias that is very present in this day and age, and Black Lightning captures it very well. 

These characters are afraid to turn to the law, so it makes sense that some would turn to a superhero and faith in the hopes that things will get better. 

That's difficult for Jefferson. He's already spreading himself too thin with his duties as the principal of the school. In order to clean the streets the way everyone would like, Black Lightning would have to be patrolling 24 hours a day. 

That's not possible when he has a family to take into consideration. Jefferson has a lot of weight on his shoulders, and he's not going to be able to step up to the challenge alone.  

Marches are common to oppose an act, and the residents of Freeland are looking for hope. The news segment at the close of the hour confirmed as much. 

While Henderson was against Black Lightning, everyone who was being interviewed were pro-Black Lightning. That's got to be difficult for Henderson who thinks he is doing everything he can. 

In reality, not enough is being done by the law, and it doesn't help that Henderson is all over the news saying he is against the vigilante. 

If Henderson can't agree with the consensus, it's only going to make things more difficult for him. 

It was unsurprising that Holt was shot. That was expected, but poor Khalil getting hit by the same bullet? That's just a step too far, and one I doubt fans will forgive anytime soon. 

Khalil had his whole life ahead of him and wanted to break free from Freeland. He wanted to take Jennifer along with him for the ride. 

They are not the typical teenagers in love on a CW drama series. There was something fresh and exciting about them, and it seemed like it was all going to go south the moment they started talking about sex. 

Superpowers, Baby! - Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 3

It was cute that Khalil was nervous about having sex, and that's why he lied about being very experienced in the bedroom. I dare say the thought crossed his mind that Jennifer would laugh if she thought he was inexperienced. 

Coming clean about all of it was cute, and it even put Jennifer at ease. There's no telling where their relationship is going to go now because there are some trying times ahead for Khalil. 

Everybody wanna go to heaven but nobody wants to die.


Was anyone else surprised at just how open to her parents Jennifer was about having sex? It's not usually portrayed on television that way. Generally, the parents go crazy when they learn about the act right after it happens. 

Maybe it's a testament to the wonderful co-parenting from both Jefferson and Lynn. They may not be together, but they sure are pulling out all the stops to make sure their daughters are safe. 

Just when I thought the series was going to delve into soap opera territory, Lynn realized that nowhere was really safe. In all honesty, it would make so much more sense for her to just move back in with Jefferson. 

These are my streets, and nobody messes with my streets.


They are all over each other at the best of times. Their chemistry is off the charts, but maybe Lynn is just too worried to get back to that stage and then for disaster to strike. 

Stronger - Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 3

Nobody wants to be hurt, but if Lynn continues to think about the negatives, the ship is going to sail and she's going to be wondering why she never gave things another shot. 

She does seem to have found peace with Jefferson being Black Lightning, but it's just not enough for her to become Facebook official with him. 

Anissa is really coming into her own, and it's crazy to think that we are just three episodes in and she's managing to educate herself all about being a superhero. 

The junkyard scenes with her assessing the true extent of her powers were well-executed. There is no rule book for her abilities, so she needs to find out all of the information on her own. 

Grace: How'd it go?
Anissa: She took her key back.
Grace: I'm sorry.
Anissa: No, she was right, we were done.

Just wait until she inevitably learns she could have gone to her father for advice. But she will likely be thankful she met Grace.

I was digging Anissa with Chenoa on Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 2 because the episode added a lot of depth to the character who was struggling with powers. 

That's why it was surprising that I was rooting for Anissa with someone new so quickly. Grace is obsessed with superheroes, so I can only imagine her reaction to learning about Anissa's powers. 

However, it all happened a little too fast. Chenoa splitting up with Anissa outside the bar conveniently allowed this new relationship to form. 

Off the bat, Anissa has much more in common with Grace than Chenoa. It's a relationship that would be easy to get on board with. 

Gambi deleting the image of Tobias was rather sketchy. If anything, he should have been sending it to Jefferson for him to investigate in person. 

It's doubtful that Gambi is going to emerge as a villain, but he's doing something he shouldn't be and I want to know what. The only logical thing I can think of is that he has a connection to the Tobias' female accomplice. 

Unless, of course, he's working with Lady Eve, but I don't want to entertain the thought of that. 

"LaWanda: The Book of Burial" continued to up the stakes with some of the biggest twists yet. The show is tackling a host of subjects that are very current in this day and age. 

Other tidbits from the episode:

  • Jefferson grilling Khalil about his personal hygiene at the school was a bit forward, but you could tell he wanted to rattle the kid out of sleeping with Jennifer. 
  • Tobias is answering to Lady Eve ... for now. What does she have over him, and more importantly, why does she not want to give the town hope? Wouldn't it be more wicked to give the citizens hope and then take it away?
  • Henderson is going to be pissed when he learns Black Lightning's true identity, but he might find it beneficial to know the superhero. Jefferson can certainly clean up the city. 

Remember you can watch Black Lightning online right here via TV Fanatic. Get caught up now. 

What did you think of the latest twists?

Will Khalil walk again?

Hit the comments below!

Black Lightning continues Tuesdays on The CW. 

LaWanda: The Book of Burial Review

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Paul Dailly was an Associate Editor for TV Fanatic.Follow him on X.

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Black Lightning Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Anissa: Today I felt invincible, and now?
Grace: Back to reality? We're all just playing at being superheroes.
Anissa: It'd be nice though, superpowers.

Grace: How'd it go?
Anissa: She took her key back.
Grace: I'm sorry.
Anissa: No, she was right, we were done.