The Vampire Diaries Round Table: All We Want for Christmas...

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RIP Lily Salvatore! Damon and Stefan are orphaned brothers once again after their very own mommie dearest took a self-inflicted stake to the heart in order to save her sons...and her heretic children...from her slightly psychotic lover.

The winter finale is almost upon us, but first, we have to break down The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 8.

Join Paul Dailly and Miranda Wicker from TV Fanatic, as well as Ruthie Heard from The Vampire Diaries Online, as they discuss "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me."

What was your favorite quote or scene from "Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me, Kill Me"?

Ruthie: Even though I'm ready to see Enzo and Bonnie connect, I actually loved the Lilenzo moment. That Enzo is such a charmer. But I'm assuming once he has escaped his predicament he'll need some consoling over losing her, and Bonnie will be there for him.

Paul: I loved Matt and Caroline chatting on the phone about her being pregnant. The way she said that Stefan was OK with it before saying he doesn't even know reminded me of how witty Caroline Forbes used to be.

Miranda: I definitely loved the Matt-Caro moment, Paul. But I'll go with Lily trying to talk to Damon before she had to decide whether or not to save him. He didn't forgive her, but she forgave him for that, which is a testament to a mother's love, I think.

How long will Steroline last now that Stefan knows about Caroline's pregnancy?

Ruthie: Something tells me once this new hunter comes into play, this will cause issues, because I think Stefan will do anything to protect Caroline and those babies. Maybe them ending their relationship will be part of his plan.

Paul: Not long. Couples never really have a long shelf life on this show, so the end of it could be as soon as the midseason finale. 

Miranda: I'm giving them exactly two more episodes before the fans get put through the ringer, and their breakup probably won't even make much sense.

Did you expect Lily to stake herself?

Ruthie: NO. I did not see that coming at all, which was refreshing. Too many spoilers roaming around this season. 

Paul: Not in a million years. It came out of the left field and I liked that it shocked me.

Miranda: Yes, I did. I thought for a split second she might stake Julian, but ultimately, the only way she could know for sure that he would die was to stake herself. Except for the fact that Mary Louise was able to break the binding spell by herself when originally it was supposed to take all of them. (I'm still confused/bitter about that.)

Pen a eulogy for Lily Salvatore:

Ruthie: It's very sad to see you go. You were a character I loved to hate and eventually came to love.

Paul: You were fifty shades of crazy, but you were fun while you lasted on the show. See you in flashbacks.

Miranda: Lily, you weren't mother of the year, but in the end, you chose your sons over yourself proving once again that redemption is possible, even for Rippers.

What are your top three wishes for The Vampire Diaries Season 7 as we head into the winter finale?

Ruthie: 1) Bonenzo moment 2) Matt Donovan lives 3) Bamon moment

Paul: 1) We catch up with the flash-forwards. 2) Bonenzo become a thing.  3) We get to see the huntress.

Miranda: All I want for Christmas is: shirtless Damon, a hot Bonenzo hookup, and a partridge in a pear tree.

The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 9 airs Thursday nights on The CW, but remember, the Salvatores and their friends are moving to Friday nights in 2016! Never fear! You can always watch The Vampire Diaries online right here!

Miranda Wicker was a Staff Writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in 2017. Follow her on Twitter.

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The Vampire Diaries Season 7 Episode 8 Quotes

I'm only here because Stefan's a mama's boy and I don't want the silent treatment for the next century.


Caroline: I didn't believe it either, but then I ate 9 ice cream sundaes from noon to 3:00, and none of my clothes fit, and then there was that whole part with the doctor and the ultrasound so...yeah.