Bones Round Table: Brennan and Aubrey FTW?

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Welcome back to our Bones Round Table!

Bones Season 10 Episode 9 gave plenty for TV Fanatic writers Mary Kate Venedam, Bridget Liszewski, Christine Orlando, and Ashley Bissette Sumerel to discuss this week. Won't you join them?

Brennan and Aubrey had the chance to work together more this episode. What did you think of their interaction?

Mary Kate: I liked it. Aubrey has a nice back and forth with both Booth and Brennan, it was nice to see Brennan work with him more outside of Booth being there with them. The best part was watching their psychic-like conversation with Booth watching idly by confused and left out.

Bridget: I really enjoyed their interaction, and I'm glad they had the chance to bond without Booth there as the middle man. While Aubrey may have said that warmth wasn’t Brennan's “thing,” I’m guessing by the end of the episode he had already started to change his mind about that. It was also a great opportunity to learn new things about Aubrey. And I was with Brennan and Hodgins and found myself quite impressed when he busted out his chemistry knowledge! It was really cute at the end to see Brennan and Booth so impressed by Aubrey.

Christine: I'm enjoying Aubrey with all of the other characters, Brennan included. He gets alone with everyone in his own quirky way and I really like him.

Ashley: I continue to appreciate Aubrey, and I liked the dynamic between these two. Especially with their short hand, like Mary Kate mentions.

How do you feel about Wendell's new love interest?

Mary Kate: She seemed nice. Wendell is my favorite squintern, so any episode where he is heavily in the story-- I am all for it.

Bridget: Wendell has always been one of my favorite squinterns so I’m glad to see him finding some happiness. Andie seems to be really sweet, and who doesn’t like a girl that can play 80s power ballads for you at the drop of a hat? I thought with her being a nurse that she should’ve understood sooner why Wendell was pulling back, but in the end she made up for it as she had a great response to his fears. I hope these two kids work out!

Christine: I'm not sure if she's really nice or has an edge of crazy to her. All of those phone calls to Wendell right after he left her were over the top. It's as though she had to tell him how to feel instead of giving him any time to process it all for himself. It felt a little like she was taking advantage of his emotional state after he just finished his cancer treatments. I'm not sure I trust her.

Ashley: For starters, I'm happy that Wendell has a love interest. He's also one of my favorites, so it will be nice to see him in a good relationship, if that's where this is going. And it seems like Andie might be the perfect for him.

Did you have a favorite quote or scene from this episode?

Mary Kate: I did find the scenes with Hodgins and the cat in his lab. More so the scenes with Hodgins in general, but I also found his experiment with the flowers and blood both disgusting and interesting at the same time. I also liked when Booth finally had a moment where he was smarter than Brennan.

Bridget: As far as quotes, I enjoyed Booth’s constant little tidbits of advice for how to deal with Brennan. His “nod, just nod. It helps,” to “we aren’t supposed to know what she’s talking about” had me laughing the whole episode. But as I said before, I also thought the scene where Brennan and Booth were both proud of Aubrey figuring out the murder weapon was pretty cute.

Christine: Aubrey how quite a few cute responses but I liked: 

We are the police. FBI actually. So, we're sort of like the super-police.


Ashley: I always love Hodgins' experiments, and I enjoyed the bits with the cat too! As for a quote, I think my favorite came from Booth.

Enough with the squint talk. If I wanted to talk squint, I would go to, you know, squint land.


What were your overall impressions of "The Mutilation of the Master Manipulator?"

Mary Kate: I felt pretty, "eh," about it. It felt weird to have Booth very much in the backseat of an episode, but Booth and Brennan still got their moments. I also predicted the killer from the get-go, so the case didn't exactly thrill me.

Bridget: I really missed having David Boreanaz as an integral part of the episode. I suspect this had something to do with him preparing to direct the 200th episode next week, but I hated seeing him trapped behind the desk all episode. Plus the traffic school, while funny at first, got old really fast for me-- and like a pretty flimsy excuse. That being said, I understood because of him directing, and I did like that it allowed for some one on one time for Aubrey and Brennan.

Christine: I want to know what's going to happen to the cat! He was really cute. And since I'm a big fan of flowers, I enjoyed that they were a part of the investigation.

Ashley: Also not my favorite. I enjoyed the scenes with Wendell and between Aubrey and Brennan, but I didn't like Booth being trapped behind the desk.

This week is the 200th episode of Bones! Do you have any hopes or predictions?

Mary Kate: I'm interested in seeing it. Hitchcock-themed, David Boreanaz directing, and a new twist on Bones. I'm very much a Psych fan, so I'll probably compare the 200th episode to Psych's own Hitchcock tribute.

Bridget: From what we've seen in the promo pics and clips, everyone looks absolutely gorgeous! I'm very excited for the episode and to see how Bones puts its own unique twist on the whole “alternate universe” story line. Not many shows reach this milestone so it's very exciting and quite an accomplishment. David’s directed episodes in the past, so I think he’s more than capable of delivering a quality episode.

Christine: 200 is a huge deal! That rarely happens these days. I have no expectations, I'm just looking forward to seeing it all unfold.

Ashley: So exciting! My hopes are for some good guest appearances, and just a fun episode overall. I think the 1950's Hitchcock idea could be really fantastic. I'm very much looking forward to it.

What about you, Bones Fanatics? Leave your answers to these questions in the comments below! And, for a sneak peak of the 200th episode, check out these photos from Bones Season 10 Episode 10!

Ashley Bissette Sumerel was a staff writer for TV Fanatic. She retired in September 2017. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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Bones Season 10 Episode 9 Quotes

Hodgins: It's like looking for a prize at the bottom of a cereal box.
Brennan: Apparently, you and I eat different kinds of cereal.

Enough with the squint talk. If I wanted to talk squint, I would go to, you know, squint land.
