Covert Affairs Review: Instincts

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Does Annie have good instincts?

If I had to put money on someone's instincts about people, it would be Annie. That doesn't mean she's infallible, especially when she lets her heart get involved. On Covert Affairs Season 5 Episode 9, she followed her instincts and it will either be one of the best decisions she's ever made or one of the worst.

Despite the evidence pointing to Ryan McQuaid being involved in the Chicago bombing, I just don't believe it. I don't want to believe it. Annie's not convinced, so neither am I. I really hope I'm right. It would be an utter shame if Ryan turns out to be a bad guy. He's so charming, delightful, rich, strong, and powerful. I want him to stick around for Annie.

Ryan's claim that he was set up makes some sense. Why would he have started working on the Chicago bombing case if he was involved? To keep informed? Maybe. The problem with that is he acknowledged that Borz used to work for him and that he wanted to track down why his employee turned against America.

If Ryan is responsible for the bombing, then there had better be a really good explanation for why he did it. Nothing we've learned about him would indicate he would kill Americans in order to make money or to drive more business his way. That doesn't make any sense. Instead, it would make sense for his men to have been turned against him somehow or if he made an anti-American enemy along the way who set him up.

If someone wanted to hurt America and the intelligence community, that would be a good way to do it. They took out a secret CIA office in Chicago and then framed the CEO of a top intelligence firms for the bombing. That would send shock waves through the industry and put people's trustworthiness into question.

The sad part about Annie's actions is that she shut Auggie out once again. That relationship has turned one-sided. Auggie trusts her, covered up her medical condition and would do anything for her, meanwhile she lies to him, went against him in Paris and no longer lets him in. Their partnership is never going to be the same again, which is disappointing and sad. 

Going into the finale, it's McQuaid against the FBI, CIA, and even his own company. How will he prove his innocence? And will Annie help him or work on the official investigation? With only one episode left this summer, I hope we get some resolution to the case and it doesn't end on a huge cliffhanger.

Though ... this is Covert Affairs so a cliffhanger is undoubtedly guaranteed.

Did Annie make the right decision to let Ryan go?

Spit on a Stranger Review

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Carla Day is a staff writer for TV Fanatic. Follow her on Twitter and on Google+.

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