Supernatural Review: Young Blood

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It's pretty common place that in a series like Supernatural, the major story arc and mythology-heavy episodes - such as "Goodbye Stranger" - are followed with a more or less stand-alone focus on some monster of the week.

I didn't mind taking the break, even if I was still contemplating what a little Megstiel action might be like for the show or even what the angel tablet could do in the grand scheme of things. Yet, at the same time, I was worried that the hour might end up turning into something more along the lines of "Man's Best Friend With Benefits" or perhaps "Bitten."

Except there was something fun and very old school about "Freaks and Geeks."

Dangerous Orphans

My first thought about introducing a school for hunters immediately shifted towards the X-Men, although the pint size warriors had intensely lethal killing skills rather than laser vision or telekinesis.

I liked bringing back Krissy Chambers from the Supernatural season 7 episode, "Adventures in Babysitting," so it wasn't completely random characters that Sam and Dean interacted with. She was her usual sassy self but far more dangerous than before.

The whole concept of training the young hunters was fantastic, although I did wish maybe there were more than three. That said, the small focus - in addition to revealing that the kids had normal and successful lives while hunting - brought up an interesting aspect.

Is it really possible to have both?

At the same time, what age is too young to hunt? After all, Sam and Dean have been involved in the business since they were little. Sure, Dean could argue "look how we turned out," but despite certain misgivings, they've done pretty okay, found a great brotherly relationship... and saved the world. Multiple times.

More so, the whole business of fighting monsters no matter what age really reinforces the idea that once a hunter, always a hunter. Except, when it comes to training them, it helps not having a lonely hunter manipulating them.

I had a feeling it wasn't going to work out, and I was a little bummed. It would have been interesting to actually see a school grow rather than have a crazy person kill off families in order to push them towards revenge.

Yes, Dean did friend a vampire in Benny, but it was nothing like what Victor chose to do. And Victor may have helped turn the three hunters into strong, confident and well trained hunters, but the dark path to get there was definitely the wrong one.

So, it was great when Krissy was able to swiftly take out the vampire with those bullets to the eye, but I was actually worried that she might kill Victor as well. I was concerned that her age or emotions would get the best of her, even with Dean trying to convince her to put the weapon down.

Each click of the gun, followed by the drop of the bullets was a good moment for Krissy. She spared the man, even though she never would forget what he had done. It was like a mic drop for sure.

But I wasn't ready for the suicide by Victor. That completely took me by surprise. He was definitely a broken man from losing his family.

I would definitely be willing to see Krissy and crew return, and seeing Sam and Dean deal with kids again made me think what it would in fact be like if either of them had kids in the future. I know Dean's had some experience with Ben, but I think when it came down to it, they would end up doing right by whatever might be in store.

That's a long way off, if at all, but it still does reinforce the goal of that happy ending. Which is really along those lines of closing the gates of hell, something I'm glad Sam and Dean brought up and wasn't completely ignored. Although, I'm surprised there was no mention of Castiel leaving or Meg sacrificing herself.

This wasn't a scary episode or even one filled with major monsters, but incorporating a trio of youthful hunters with Sam and Dean getting involved was some old school classic Supernatural. It was an enjoyable little shift from the larger story, but I'm really excited to see and get back to what the trials and tablets will end up meaning for the Winchester brothers.

Freaks and Geeks Review

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Sean McKenna was a TV Fanatic Staff Writer. He retired in May of 2017. Follow him on Twitter.

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