21 Characters Who Work Way Too Hard

All TV characters have busy lives. Then there are those who never stop working. We are recognizing 21 characters who are in serious need of a vacation.

21 Heroes Who Could Never Get Insurance IRL

Saving the world is an admirable pursuit but it is a risky venture. Based on track records and current life factors, here are some of the least-insurable characters.

19 TV Characters Who Are Terrible at their Jobs

Have you ever watched a show and wondered how a certain character got past the interview stage? Here's a list of terrible employees who make TV great!

15 Shows That Will Inspire You to Travel the World

Many shows use picturesque and charismatic backdrops which become a major character. Here's a list of shows that have given me, and will probably give you, a case of wanderlust.

17 Shows That Were Rocked With A Pregnancy Plot Twist

There is nothing like a pregnancy to really shake things up on a show, which is exactly why this has become more of a common plot twist lately. These are our favorites!

17 Finales That Really KILLED

Finales can be real killer episodes. Here are some of the shows that saw characters exit with finality this season. Which deaths were huge surprises? Sad but expected? Long overdue?

13 TV Dads Who Don't Deserve Any Praise!

There are some really great fathers portrayed on TV, and just like in real life, there are the not-so-great ones. These dads don't deserve any gifts!

25 Top Broadcast Scripted Shows from the 2017-18 Season

Did your favorite show make the cut to be one of the top 25 scripted offerings on the broadcast networks during the 2017-2018 season? Read on to find out!

13 Shows That'll Help Unleash Your Inner Boss Babe

TVs leading ladies making money moves and changing the the conversation surrounding feminism and equality. Befriend them and you'll find yourself accessing your inner #BossBabe.

19 Beloved Series That Fell Into a Slump!

It's been a long season, and some of our favorite series weren't exempt from a few hiccups along the way. Check out our list of shows that fell into a slump this season.

17 Inspired and Surprising TV Crossovers

If Supernatural and Scooby-Doo could successfully cross over, we needed to take a trip through TV history to revisit some of the most memorable small-screen crossovers.

13 TV Characters Who Need Some Major Lovin'

We always desire the best for our TV characters, even if they are so far gone, they don't see what that is themselves. Here are some broken characters who need major lovin'!

Scandal Quotes

Harrison: I'm not a baby lawyer. I'm a gladiator in a suit. Because that's what you are when you work for Olivia. You're a gladitor in a suit. You want to be a gladiator in a suit. You gotta say it.
Quinn: I want to be a gladiator in a suit.

Quinn, this is not a blind date. On blind dates I like to buy a woman dinner because it makes her more likely to sleep with me or give me a second date. When I buy you dinner, you'll know I'm interested.
