21 TV Couples Threatened by a Parent's Disapproval

If a parent is determined enough, they can get in the way of even the strongest relationships. We created a list of 21 couples who were faced with parental disapproval.

17 TV Couples Who Are All About PDA

There's a lot of ways to show you love someone whether it's done in private or in a more public setting. How do your favorite couples show their affection?

19 Characters Whose Chemistry Could Set Off Fireworks

Chemistry is that "thing" between two characters that is so electric, it cannot be ignored. The chemistry between these characters could set off fireworks!

41 TV Characters With Slamming Hot Bods

Television is full of beautiful people, and there are some that can't help but show off their incredibly hot bods. Who makes us drool? Check out our list.

17 Ships That Will Never Sail, But Should

Television doesn't always go into the direction that we want it to. Are there any couples you've given up on? Or do you think they still have a fair chance?

23 Couples Who Split for the Sake of Drama

Drama can be used to keep a relationship interesting, but television tends to take it a bit too far. Which of your favorite couples went through a pointless split?

23 Characters Who Came Back From the Dead

What a sad world it would be if all the characters we thought were dead were really dead after all. But TV is a mysterious place where anything can happen.

23 Best First Kisses of All Time

Not everyone watches TV for the romance, but it sure does make it a lot more fun! We've crafted a list of the 23 best kisses of all time. Did your favorite make the list?

19 TV Show References That Help Us Through Life

Whether it's a reference used throughout seasons or a quick one-timer these have certainly helped us through hard times and have made the funny times funnier.

23 TV Characters Who Need to Kick Their Love Life into High Gear

Love is a fickle thing, but for some, it's almost non-existent. These 23 characters need to kick their love life into high gear and find the love they deserve!

21 of the Most Epic Relationship Upgrades

In order to be an official couple, every ship has to change their relationship status at some point. What was your favorite relationship upgrade?

13 TV Dates We Wish We Never Attended

Television is too good at building up our expectations and shooting them back down. Check out 13 dates on television that set the bar to unrealistic levels.

Jane the Virgin Quotes

Jane: Oh, I'm no good at this stuff. So, instead of telling you the reasons that I love you, I'm going to tell you the reasons that I don't. I don't love you because you're smart and kind. I don't love you because you're hardworking and competitive and way too defensive.
Michael: I'm not defensive.
Jane: I don't love you because you're incredibly sexy. I love you because you're my best friend and I want to grow old with you. And right now, I am confused about every single thing in my life, except you.

Rafael: No, I really think we've met.
Jane: I don't usually wear clam shells.
Rafael: Oh, the strip club on Piscayne?
Jane: Jerk.