Quotables from Week Ending Jan. 29, 2015

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The week ending Thursday, January 29, 2015, led us to these quotable moments.

1. "Boy, we did good, didn't we, Camille?" Parenthood

Zeek: Boy, we did good, didn't we, Camille? ~ Camille: We sure did.

2. "But I think I know where to find the Canary." Arrow

Lance: We need help, we need it now. Look, I know you said the Arrow is gone, are you sure about that? ~ Felicity: Yes, I am. But I think I know where to find the Canary.

3. "Because how ever much the couple may strive to be honest, no one is ever in possession of the facts." Downton Abbey

Violet: Because how ever much the couple may strive to be honest, no one is ever in possession of the facts.

4. "I don't see the worst in everyone, I see the everyone in everyone." Backstrom

Backstrom: I don't see the worst in everyone, I see the everyone in everyone.

5. "You don't get to control how the world happens for me anymore." House of Lies

Roscoe: Shut the fuck up Dad! ~ Marty: Hey. ~ Rocoe: Stop trying to do damage control. The damage is done. Congratulations. Okay. Your narcissim wins again. ~ Marty: Okay. Okay. Roscoe: It's bigger than all of us. ~ Marty: Listen, I was trying to find the right way to tell you. I didn't want it just blurted out. ~ Roscoe: You don't get to control how the world happens for me anymore.

6. "I don't know what you are. But you're no Aswang." Grimm

Wu: I don't know what you are. But you're no Aswang.

7. "Sorry. No means no, ladies." Eye Candy

George: You got a boyfriend? Yeah, I'm taken too. It'll never work. Sorry. No means no, ladies.

8. "Do you know why I hired you, Cisco?" The Flash

Harrison: Do you know why I hired you, Cisco? ~ Cisco: You said you saw something in me, I know. ~ Harrison: What I saw was humanity. You and Hartley, Cisco, you're both brilliant. You both have mental [snaps fingers] sparks, but his brilliance subtracted from the experience of working here, whereas your brilliance, your heart, warmth, your humor; it just adds to it. There's no chosen one, Cisco. There's no second or third favorite. There never was. There's just us.

9. "He's still a baby." The Musketeers

Aramis: I'm told I have a way with infants. Marguerite: He is the royal prince! Aramis: He's still a baby.

10. "Carol once fit a whole chicken down her sweater." Agent Carter

Angie:These rolls keep for three days. Four if it's cold and you put them out on the windowsill. ~ Peggy: Oh glad to hear it. I don't often steal food. ~ Angie: Are you kidding? Carol once fit a whole chicken down her sweater.

11. "For a man who likes electric cars, he sure burns a lot of rocket fuel." The Simpsons

Lisa: For a man who likes electric cars, he sure burns a lot of rocket fuel.

12. "Yeah well he never let the truth get in the way of a good story." Criminal Minds

Hotch: So, about ten years ago, we're sitting on the runway in Denver. And we're waiting for the wings to be de-iced. And, everybody's stressed out and suddenly Gideon collapses in this fit of uncontrollable laughter. You know, the crazy kind where he ends up in tears. ~ Rossi: I know the one. ~ Hotch: And he says that it reminds him of a case that you two worked in a blizzard in upstate New York and there were no cars so you had to take sleds. ~ Rossi: Lockport. The only time it isn't snowing is on the fourth of July. ~ Hotch: He says that there was a dare... ~ Rossi: A double-dare. To take a sled down Rattlesnake HIll. There was this local kid, must have been twelve. He dares us to go down this incline that was legendary. Well, you know Gideon: he's not about to turn down a challenge. ~ Hotch: Especially from a twelve year-old. ~ Rossi: Of course! He takes this kid's sled and goes flying down this hill. I mean it was like lightening. He jumps off right before it smacks into a headstone. ~ Hotch: He said that was you. ~ Rossi: No. ~ Hotch: [laughs] Yeah well he never let the truth get in the way of a good story.

13. "Your whole story is like a winky face emoji followed by a poop emoji." Girls

Hannah: Your whole story is like a winky face emoji followed by a poop emoji.

14. "To no avail." Elementary

Sherlock: My name is Sherlock and I have allowed empathetic thoughts to clutter my mind and reduce my perception. ~ Watson: So you called in the bees to crowd out caring. ~ Sherlock: To no avail.

15. "The world's been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember." The 100

Lincoln: The world's been trying to turn me into a monster for as long as I can remember.

16. "The shock response had protected us, and it just might have saved us." Grey's Anatomy

Meredith: When shock wears off, when the body can accept that a trauma has happened, when it can let down its defenses, it's a scary moment. It's vulnerable. The shock response had protected us, and it just might have saved us.

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TV Quotes
Downton Abbey, Marvel's Agent Carter, Backstrom, House of Lies, Eye Candy, The Musketeers, Girls, The Simpsons, Criminal Minds, Elementary, Grimm, Parenthood, Arrow, The Flash, The 100, Grey's Anatomy
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