Quotables from Week Ending Feb. 12, 2015

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We've pulled some of our favorite quotes of the week for the week ending February 12, 2015.

1. "It's your past, Tony. And it's a good one." NCIS

Bishop: It's your past, Tony. And it's a good one. ~ Tony: I have a tricky relationship with the past. I can either bury it or fixate on it. Still working out the kinks. ~ Bishop: Well whatever happened in your past helped make you the awesome guy you are today.

2. "I want to be your wife Adam." Hawaii Five-0

Kono: What matters is I love you, and I can't imagine my life without you. I want to be your wife Adam.

3. Deepening the Investigation - Downton Abbey

Mable: Then why turn up looking like a cross between a Vogue fashion plate and a case of dynamite. ~ Mary: Well I can't make it too easy for him.

4. "I felt pretty lame not recognizing my own brother just because he's wearing a hood." Arrow

Thea: You know, I've been wondering. How do you decide between the red hoodie and the one with the mask? ~ Roy: [chuckles] I'm glad you know. ~ Thea: I felt pretty lame not recognizing my own brother just because he's wearing a hood.

5. "Simpler times." The Simpsons

Bart: Thinking back, I'm kinda surprised mom and dad let a crazy man spend all night in my bedroom. ~ Homer: Bart: Thinking back, I'm kinda surprised mom and dad let a crazy man spend all night in my bedroom. Homer: Simpler times.

6. "Whatever I am, you love me. And you always will." The Musketeers

Milady: The truth is staring you in the face, and you can't even see it. ~ Athos: What truth? ~ Milady: Whatever I am, you love me. And you always will.

7. "Yeah they do. It's pretty much all they tell you." Girls

Shoshanna: I just don't understand why nobody tells you how bad its gonna be in the real world. ~ Marnie: Yeah they do. It's pretty much all they tell you.

8. "Something's off." Cougar Town

Ellie: Something's off. ~ Travis: Maybe you've finally developed human emotions and feel bad for hurting people. ~ Ellie: No, but that's funny.

9. "You are like the queen of not helping!" Pretty Little Liars

Aria: What do we do know? We just wait until A paints the town red in our DNA? ~ Hanna: One drop here, one spot there, and kaboom; we're all sharing a jail cell with Ali. ~ Spencer: You are like the queen of not helping!

10. "Give em hell, Harry." Person of Interest

Reese: Give em hell, Harry. Finch: Please don't call me that.

11. "I want Sigourney Weaver to choke me out with her thighs." Justified

Tim: I want Sigourney Weaver to choke me out with her thighs.

12. "Family doesn't wait to be invited." The Mindy Project

Peter: Family doesn't wait to be invited. It's like HPV, it just shows up and never leaves.

13. "Sorry, it was kind of dark in here." Jane the Virgin

Narrator: If a lightbulb could go on over Michael's head, it would. [light on] Nadine: Sorry, it was kind of dark in here.

14. "You don't have to hunt them anymore. You raise them, like livestock." Castle

Castle: You don't have to hunt them anymore. You raise them, like livestock.

15. "Sometimes you have to spend money you don't have" Fresh Off the Boat

Louis: Sometimes you have to spend money you don't have to make it seem like you have money that you don't spend.

16. "I can't have an international peace treaty..." Togetherness

Brett: I can't have an international peace treaty about the state of my boner in the middle of making love.

17. "Touch me again and I'll end you." The 100

Murphy: Touch me again and I'll end you. In a non-criminal way.

18. "I need you to get me a list of all the women that Howard has entertained in the last year." Marvel's Agent Carter

Peggy: I need you to get me a list of all the women that Howard has entertained in the last year. ~ Jarvis: I'm not sure there's enough ink in all of New York to complete that request. ~ Peggy: Fine, just in the last six months then, is that possible? ~ Jarvis: Oh yes, I suggest we start with the Western Hemisphere. ~ Peggy: Oh please.

19. "Now I am in the car with patient zero." Suits

Louis: They were infected with an infectious disease called Mike Ross. Now I am in the car with patient zero. ~ Mike: For your information, patient zero is the first person infected with the disease, not the disease itself.

20. "My date turned into a threeway with a madman." Eye Candy

Connor: My date turned into a threeway with a madman.

21. "I just keep reminding myself it is just the mall." Criminal Minds

Kate: I just keep reminding myself it is just the mall. ~ JJ: I don't think parents are ever ready for their kids to grow up. ~ Kate: It feels like yesterday she was in diapers. ~ JJ: Teenagers. I don't know how my mom survived. ~ Kate: Mine either.

22. "We'll just kill the Internet. Can we do that?" Supernatural

Dean: We'll just kill the Internet. Can we do that?

23. "You have a 170 IQ, and you don't know how to operate a flashlight?" Scorpion

Cabe: You have a 170 IQ, and you don't know how to operate a flashlight?

24. "You will be the death of me and I of you." Reign

Conde: I hear you. I do. But of all the reasons you've expound of why we can't be together none are of the heart. I have to fight every instinct I have pulling me toward you. When I'm near you I am aware of every breath you take and when I am away even the wind in the trees reminds me of you. ~ Mary: You will be the death of me and I of you.

25. "It isn't my world. It's our world." Elementary

Joan: I feel ... okay. I feel clear about something. Our work ... what we do ... it's not just a job now. It's who I am. I'm a detective. I'm ready to embrace that. I live in this world. Your world. And I probably will for the rest of my life. ~ Sherlock: It isn't my world. It's our world.

26. Adventures in Babysitting - Archer

Slater: Hang on, go back. You speak Urdu? ~ Archer: Huh? Oh, no, no, just that one phrase ~ Farouk: The only phrase you know in Urdu is "No shit, you goat-raping pig devil"? ~ Archer: What?! I thought it meant "I'm sorry." Huh, probably why that night in a Karachi went from pretty bad to much worse. ~ Slater: I'm gonna stop you there. ~ Archer: Probably someone should. There's a baby.

27. "If you aren't willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places" Grey's Anatomy

Amelia: If you aren't willing to keep looking for light in the darkest of places without stopping even when it seems impossible, you will never succeed.

28. "Truth is I'm terrified." Nashville

Deacon: I know I can fight this cancer, but I don't know if I can beat it. See the thing is, if I lose...uh there was a time when that wouldn't have mattered that much, but it does now. I got a daughter, and I got a niece, and I got...I got a lot of people I care about. They care about me, and when I think about not being there for them...You talk about feeling powerless. This is a powerlessness at a level that damn near overwhelms me. Truth is I'm terrified.

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TV Quotes
Hawaii Five-0, Downton Abbey, The Simpsons, The Musketeers, Girls, Marvel's Agent Carter, Cougar Town, Pretty Little Liars, The Mindy Project, Castle, Jane the Virgin, Fresh Off the Boat, Togetherness, The 100, Suits, Eye Candy, Criminal Minds, NCIS, Justified, Supernatural, Person of Interest, Scorpion, Arrow, Reign, Elementary, Archer, Grey's Anatomy, Nashville
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TV Quotes Quotes

Amanda: You don't know how you made it to the surface?
Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
Amanda: Purple skins?
Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll