Best Quotes from Week Ending Dec. 11, 2014

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We pulled together some of the best quotes of the week, from Dec. 6 through Dec. 11, 2014.

1. "Santa Finally Cracked" - Castle

Castle: Squeezing down countless chimneys. Delivering millions of presents in one night. It was bound to happen. Santa finally cracked.

2. "Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah" - Once Upon a Time

Mary Margaret: You know what, Swiss Miss? You do know me. I pick flowers. I talk to birds. I do all kinds of warm fuzzy things. You know what else? I kill. Yeah, that's right. Snow White's a murderer. I killed the Evil Queen's mommy and I said I was sorry and I didn't mean it. ~ Anna: That's horrible. ~ Mary Margaret: Still want to hold hands, sing Zip-a-Dee-Do-Dah?

3. "Do not wake my baby!" - Once Upon a Time

Mary Margaret: You think the spell has made me angry? Do not wake my baby!

4. "You won't get the justice you're looking for." - The Newsroom

Don: If you face off with the guy you accused on TV it is going to be a lawless food fight with irreversible, irretrievable consequences. Teams will be formed. You will be slut shamed and you won't get the justice you're looking for.

5. "We finally get to find out what we become." - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Raina: Your whole life, our whole lives have been leading to this one moment. ~ Skye: Sorry, I don't buy into the whole this is your destiny thing. We're taking the Obelisk and we're leaving. There are too many lives at stake. ~ Raina: You've got it all wrong. Whitehall, everyone has got it all wrong. This doesn't destroy, it gives life; new life. We finally get to find out what we become.

6. "Shut up, Linus." - The Mindy Project

Danny: Christmas isn't about elegance, it's about a quiet night when a King was born, the Prince of Peace. ~ Mindy: Shut up, Linus.

7. "Are you in?" - The Librarians

Flynn: I'm offering you a life of mystery, of misery, of loneliness, and adventure. More than that, I'm offering you the opportunity to make a difference and to save the world every week. Twice before Friday. Are you in?

8. "Ass over face." - Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce

Abby: In person, is she reedy like Madonna, like she chose ass over face?

9. "Some would say I'm the reverse." - The Flash

Harrison: The reason I know all this is because your powers are almost exactly the same as The Flash! ~ Yellow: Well, I'm not like The Flash at all. Some would say I'm the reverse.

10. "I'm abstaining from Christmas this year." - Pretty Little Liars

Spencer: I'm abstaining from Christmas this year, remember? When you're out on bail for murder it just feels like the right thing to do.

11. "Sometimes you gotta smash stuff." - Scorpion

Toby: Sometimes you gotta smash stuff.

12. "I need my sons to grow up hating the thought of me." - Sons of Anarchy

Jax: When the time comes she needs to tell my sons who I really am. I'm not a good man. I'm a criminal and a killer. I need my sons to grow up hating the thought of me.

13. "The bad guys lose." - Sons of Anarchy

Patterson: Jackson, what happens at the end of the day? ~ Jax: The bad guys lose.

14. "See? Totally acceptable." - black-ish

Ruby: If I didn't know you were mixed, I'd swear you were Chinese. ~ Rainbow: Ruby, that's racist! ~ Ruby: Black people can't be racist. ~ Dre: I was robbed by a damn Mexican! ~ Ruby: See, totally acceptable. ~

15. "I can't wait." - Criminal Minds

Rossi: Look, there's this little jazz club in Dupont Circle I plan to go to on Saturday night. You're coming with me. ~ Hotch: I don't know. ~ Rossi: This isn't just about you, Aaron. I'm, shall we say, intrigued by the in-house jazz singer there, and you will be my wing man. ~ Hotch: I can't wait.

16. "Check my browser history." - Modern Family

Alex: Sex is confusing for young people and she doesn't need to learn about it from two fuzz staches who barely know anything themselves! ~ Luke: Excuse me, you might want to check my browser history. I've done some research.

17. "I just want to make sure it's my life I'm living." - Nashville

Rayna: I just want to make sure it's my life I'm living.

18. "What are we gonna tell her... about us?" - Nashville

Avery: What are we gonna tell her... about us? ~ Juliette: We'll tell her she came from a place of love, and her parents became great friends.

19. "An emergency is a dead body, OK?" - Supernatural

Dean: An emergency is a dead body, OK? Or a wigged-out angel, or the apocalypse take three. Some chick bolting on you is no emergency. That's every Friday night for Sam.

20. "You're just a boy." - Arrow

Ra's al Ghul: You're just a boy.

21. "If anything happened to you, I'd need more than a packet." - The McCarthys

Arthur: If anything happened to you, I'd need more than a packet.

22. "Sit down, or nobody wakes up." - State of Affairs

Nick: Sit down, or nobody wakes up.

23. "I told you not to call me Darling." - Bones

Brennan: Don't you have faith in science? ~ Booth: Of course I do, Darling. Without science, we wouldn't have television. And I'm definitely getting one of those. ~ Brennan: I told you not to call me Darling.

24. "She'll shake a bitch." - The Taste

Ben: What Jen has is that, she'll get feisty and she'll shake a bitch.

25. "What is Mary doing here?" - Reign

Francis: What is Mary doing here? ~ Catherine: She's looking for her rapist, and if you don't find him that's what she'll be doing for the rest of her life; in every room, in every crowd.

26. "Im pretty good at looking." - Stalker

Perry: I don't see anything, do you? ~ Janice: No, but being a detective and all - I'm pretty good at looking.

27. "I'm not saying this is a good plan..." - Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

Coulson: I'm not saying this is a good plan, but after all the carving and searching and obsessing; I'm pretty damn curious to see what all the fuss is about

28. "There's an argument for that." - The Big Bang Theory

Santa: All right, let me see if I've got this straight. A picture of you on my lap is a way to punish your girlfriend for making you celebrate Christmas? ~ Sheldon: Correct. ~ Santa: Santa thinks dating you may be punishment enough. ~ Sheldon: There's an argument for that.

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TV Quotes
Castle, Once Upon a Time, The Newsroom, Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D., The Mindy Project, The Librarians, Girlfriends' Guide to Divorce, The Flash, The Vampire Diaries, Pretty Little Liars, Scorpion, Sons of Anarchy, black-ish, Criminal Minds, Modern Family, Nashville, Supernatural, Arrow, The McCarthys, State of Affairs, Bones, The Taste, Reign, Stalker, The Big Bang Theory
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TV Quotes Quotes

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Nolan: No, but the purple skins do.
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Nolan: I'll tell you on the way

Conquer! Kill! Devour! Put it on a T-shirt so you don't forget.

Doc Yewll