Elementary Season 7 Photo Preview: Transatlantic Entanglements

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Elementary Season 7 is a bonus which its fans should appreciate.

It appeared that the powers that be meant for Elementary Season 6 to be the final season. Then CBS, being CBS, renewed it for a seventh season just before the already-filmed Season 6 debuted late last spring.

Related: Watch Elementary Online at CBS All Access via Amazon Channels

Still, there is good stuff to come. Check out the photos from the season premiere below to find out what's ahead.

To revisit Elementary Season 6, watch Elementary online.

Elementary airs at 10/9c on CBS, starting Thursday, May 23.


1. New Contact - Elementary

Elementary Season 7 is a bonus which its fans should appreciate. It appeared that the powers that be meant for Elementary Season 6 to be the final season. Then CBS, being CBS, renewed it for a seventh season just before the already filmed Season 6 debuted late last spring.

2. Divided Partnership - Elementary

But the narrative decisions made for Season 6 left a lot to undo in Season 7. Serial killer Michael Rowan was murdered, and FBI Agent Malick liked Joan, who Michael had attacked, for the crime.

3. Man at Peace - Elementary

The real murderer was Captain Gregson's daughter Hannah, whose roommate had been killed by Michael. Gregson covered up evidence of her involvement, but Joan ended up becoming a suspect instead.

4. Feeling Guilty - Elementary

So Sherlock confessed to the crime, which meant he had to flee to England and couldn't return to the U.S. Joan followed him to continue their partnership, and they live in a duplex at, that's right, 221 Baker Street.

5. Waiting for a Move - Elementary

A federal hiring freeze has kept Marcus working for Captain Gregson at NYPD longer than he had expected.

6. Home Sweet Home - Elementary

As Season 7 opens, Sherlock is happy (for him) to be home but Joan is missing her home. Also, Gregson is feeling guilty that his two favorite consultants ended up leaving the country because of his coverup.

7. Difficult Conversation - Elementary

Marcus confronts Captain Gregson about finding a way to heal his lingering rift with Joan and Sherlock.

8. Busy Mom - Elementary

Kitty splits time between being a single mom to her young son Archie and helping girls affected by human trafficking.

9. Comparing Notes - Elementary

Kitty gets Joan to admit that she's feeling homesick for New York, although Sherlock remains oblivious.

10. Transition Gift - Elementary

Captain Gregson looks on as Marcus tries on the cowboy hat sent to him by Sherlock and Joan as a gift for his upcoming move.

11. Irascible Ameri-phobe - Elementary

DCI Jones, Sherlock and Watson's contact at the London police department, keeps sarcastically referring to Watson as "Doc."

12. Catching a Thief - Elementary

Sherlock coolly deals with an expected visitor, a thief in the night who invades Sherlock's home looking for a prize.

13. A Tasty Break - Elementary

Sherlock enjoys ice-cream cones with Kitty's son Archie on a park bench while she's on assignment for him.

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Elementary Quotes

Holmes: Why do you suppose you hate your job so much?
Watson: I don't hate my job.
Holmes: You have two alarm clocks. No one with two alarm clocks loves their job. Two alarm clocks mean it's a chore for you to get up in the morning.

Watson: How do you do it, guess things?
Sherlock: I observe and then I deduce.
Watson: How did you know I was a doctor, you said you could tell from my hands.
Sherlock: Hand, singular. It was soft no calluses.
Watson: How did you know my father had an affair?
Sherlock: Google. Not everything is deducible.