Arrow Photos from "Uprising"

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Arrow Season 3 Episode 12 is titled "Uprising," and we have photos.

1. Goodbye Cabin - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Oliver says goodbye to the cabin where his life was saved.

2. Goodbye to Tatsu - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Oliver and Tatsu chat before Oliver takes his leave.

3. Contemplation - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Tatsu looks as if she's contemplating Oliver's departure.

4. Behind Bars - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Is this how Oliver gets home or is it a flashback? We'll find out.

5. Planning Starling's Destruction - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Brick is one of many who plans to destroy Starling City by way of The Glades.

6. Clearing the Halls - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Arsenal and Canary work together to clear the halls.

7. Prepared for a Fight - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Arsenal shows he's prepared for whatever comes his way.

8. Looking for a Fight - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Black Canary and Arsenal are poised and ready for a fight.

9. New Team Arrow Member? Season 3 Episode 12

Malcolm Merlyn is suited up and fighting side by side with Black Canary and Arsenal.

10. Black Canary Up Close - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Black Canary has her game face on as she protects the city she loves.

11. Target Located - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Arsenal has reached his target as Brick's shooting arm is pierced.

12. Lance Looks On - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Capt. Lance watches the heroes fight off Brick and friends.

13. Sin is In - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Sin is back and, we hope, joining her old friend in the fight.

14. Sidelined Chat - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Sin and Capt. Lance have a chat off to the side of the action.

15. Power of the People - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Black Canary and Arsenal, backed up by Sin, lead the power of the people of The Glades

16. Protecting the Streets - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Black Canary and Arsenal are protecting the streets.

17. Triple Threat - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Sin, Black Canary and Arsenal make a powerful triple threat. Does Sin know Laurel's secret?

18. Fantastic Four - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

There he is! Diggle is in the mix as he flanks Arsenal, Black Canary and Sin for the fight.

19. Armed and Dangerous - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Diggle is packing some heat as he takes to the streets.

20. Man Down - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Black Canary checks on one of the wounded as the battles rages on.

21. Sin Beats 'em Down - Arrow Season 3 Episode 12

Sin is using what she learned from Sara in the fight.

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Arrow Quotes

Thea: I missed you so much.
Oliver: You were with me the whole time.

To live I had to make myself more than what I was, to forge myself into a weapon. I am returning not the boy who was shipwrecked, but the man who will bring justice to those who have poisoned my city. My name is Oliver Queen.
