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Zoey has recurring nightmare where she sings “Nowhere to Run” in her mom’s empty house.

Max suggests it may be time for Zoey to move home, but she doesn't want to leave Maggie in a lurch.

After getting the OK from Maggie later on, Zoey moves back to her apartment but continues to have the nightmares.

She talks to Simon about it, and he says Zoey literally can't get out of her own way.

She and Max talk later, and the pair decide it may be a good thing to press pause until Zoey is ready to resume their relationship.

If they continue, they both feel they could ruin things before they started.

Zoey also struggles at work and tries to delegate tasks to her coworkers, but it doesn't go well.

She reaches her breaking point over jerseys for a softball league.

Meanwhile, Maggie meets with a new landscape client, who doesn't like her first idea.

Feeling stuck, Jenna helps Maggie find her creative spark again, and the client likes the second pitch.

David and Emily look forward to Jenna leaving but are disappointed upon learning she'll be sticking around to help Maggie with the new project.

Lastly, Max and Mo look at spaces for their new business.


Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist
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Zoey's Extraordinary Playlist Season 2 Episode 3 Quotes

Emily: It feels wrong to be mad at a baby, but who waits until daylight to finally fall asleep?
David: He doesn’t respect us. He’s clearly a sadist. He must get that from your side of the family.
Jenna: Good morning family.
David: If you wake up my baby right now, I will literally kill you. I meant that in the nicest way possible.
Jenna: Hello, Miles. Are you still asleep because your room is so boring?
Emily: What do you mean? It’s cute.
Jenna: There is nothing on the walls. It’s like a prison for babies.
David: I guess we’ve been too busy keeping another human alive to worry about home décor.

Max: What’s going on? Are you OK?
Zoey: Yeah, just waking up strong like you do.
Max: Well, did you have a bad dream because we could stop watching documentaries on serial killers before bed.
Zoey: That might help.