Affecting Her Future - When Calls the Heart
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Based on the previously on segment, I think Rosemary and Leland are definitely adopting Spencer!!

The episode didn't start with Elizabeth talking to her diary!

Julie arrives so she can be a part fo the Christening. As Godmother, her role is important!

Rosemary and Fiona are all over the Founders Day Festival. They're even having a petting zoo.

For some reason, my cable is stuttering. That's a very poor time to do it.

Bouchard is getting into the spirit of the festival with an apple cider tent and a stint entertaining the town with card tricks.

They tap bill as a judge for the pie contest, something he only does based on the kind of pies entering.

Nathan whittled a sign for Elizabeth of an Emerson quote as a thank you. He remembered she liked Emerson.

Lucas wonders at the thoughts behind the quote as he and Elizabeth meet with a few words about his heroics and what it means to her child.

Leland and Jesse did it. They got the contract. Leland prepares to offer Jesse some good news.

With Baby Jack napping, Julie reveals that the family would like to be there, but they're in England. They did wire to Julie very specific instructions to bring her something, though. The family Christening gown that ran through the family.

Fiona is showing Clara a new hairstyle as they prepare for the hair booth. Clara says Kevin the blacksmith has a crush on Fiona.

Elizabeth looks forward in the years ahead to the help of those around her as they Christen Jack. Godparents Julie and Bill and guardians Rosemary and Lee are part of the ceremony. 

It's such a rareity to hear a baptismal prayer on TV anymore. It's very moving.

Gifts pile up afterward as the town gathers to celebrate.

Elizabeth brightens when Nathan arrives. Allie doesn't join him, but Elizabeth is so happy she's making friends.

Elizabeth leaves Baby Jack in Nathan's arms, turning heads all around the room as he burbles in his face. 

Grace is reading Spencer to sleep. She's reading Peter Pan.

Rosemary says goodnight to Baby Jack and Elizabeth as they both prepare for a good night's sleep. 

Elizabeth and Lucas cut the ribbon to open the new library. There is quite a crowd ready to get reading. Inside, Lucas shows Elizabeth The Tales of Peter Rabbit as he thinks Jack will enjoy it.

Carson delivers to Grace the iron pills and prescribes Spencer a day of festival fun.

There is a line at the helium balloon tent.

Jack and Leland toast each other for their new roles in Little Jack's life.

Carson takes Spencer fishing for little deputy badges at the festival. What a cute idea.

When Grace says he can take it to Brookfield to show all the other kids, Spencer's smile disappears. Carson tries to get him on board with the orphanage idea, but it's not easy.

Elizabeth finds Lucas playing ring toss. She taunts him when he all but promises baby Jack a teddy bear. With a magician's wrist, he wins to Elizabeth's amazement.

Rosemary helps a stray boy in the street get reunited with his parents.

She's on her way to talk to Bill because a couple of fellas ate all the pies. Can he make it official based on their judgement?

Bill finds a letter from the mining company addressed to Henry. He addressed concerns with regard to Noah Stanton and mine safety, but he was shooed away.

Grace offers to Spencer a new friend at the petting zoo. It's a fuzzy bunny named Snowball.

Rosemary finds Clara at the hair dressing station, and she's making a mess of Florence's head. She sends someone to get Fiona for an assist. Fiona calls it a disaster.

Spencer cannot pick himself out of the doldrrums. He sees families all over the place, but it's something he doesn't have. While standing in line for cotton candy, Spencer darts away.

At the strongman's bell, Allie is super excited about the possibility of winning a fishing pole. Nathan takes a shot but doesn't get it to the top. When Elizabeth walks by saying it was a nice try, he keeps going. 

Lucas steps in and a contest is a brewin'. Lucas is all about winning her a rod. And failing to do it. Carson wanders up and bangs that bell handily.

Grace runs up screaming. Spencer is missing and she can't find him anywhere. Why did she go to Carson? Is there something brewing between them?

Nathan and Bill join the effort to find Spencer. Lucas goes to the saloon since there are a lot of places to hide in there.

When Carson gets back to his office, he finds the boy hiding under a table covered with a cloth. Carson wonders what he's going. He misses his mommy and daddy.

Nathan says something silly about the founders being happy as a result of finding Spencer and resuming the festivities.

Bill approaches Henry with the letter. For some reason, Bill is very angry. Their words are beyond salty, and Elizabeth overhears.

Grace and Rosemary try to comfort Spencer. She tells him she lost her mom and dad when she was little, too. She was only five. She was afraid and confused and had a big hole inside of her. She knows exactly what it's like to feel like there is no hope. That's why she and Lillian began the home in Brookline. She shares with him all of the fun things they do to make the kids feel welcome and less alone.

Leland and Rosemary are on the way to the dance when she rescues a balloon right out of the sky for Opal. 

Julie is preparing to settle in for the evening while Elizabeth has a night out at the dance.

On the way, she finds Henry on a bench and returns his letter. He never told anybody that he tried to save the mine because he blames himself. All this time, he's blamed himself and was willing to take the brunt of the town's pain upon himself.

She wants him to stop living in the past and move on from the tragedy. He doesn't know how, and that's something she can understand completely.

Jesse is shaking like a leaf in preparation to ask Clara for her hand in marriage. Yes, of course. There are congratulations all around.

Rosemary thanks Fiona for all of her help with the festival. She's ready to shake it up even more with a ladies' choice dance.

Henry leaves. Rosemary toys with Lee, and Elizabeth asks Lucas to dance. But what does it mean?

When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 6 Episode 9 Quotes

Lee gave me a promotion. You're looking at the new manager for Coulter Lumber.


Lucas: I find that to be both inspirational and potentially reckless at the same time.
Elizabeth: Like rushing into a burning building to save a friend?
Lucas: I just reacted.
Elizabeth: Lucas, I have a son, and your past ties could have taken me from him.
Lucas: I wouldn't have let anything happen to you. Without fear and without hesitation, I would have done whatever it took to keep you safe. I mean, being a hero; it's kind of my thing now.