Protecting Hope Valley - When Calls the Heart
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Rosemary's article announcing that Lucas canceled the resort stirred things up. Rosemary is certain there is more to it as Nathan, Henry, and Bill seem preoccupied.

Rosemary also thinks Elizabeth and Nathan need to speed things up. So does Bill, but Nathan wants Elizabeth to take the lead this time. Elizabeth struggles to ask Nathan out on a date to go riding with her, but he finally agrees that he'd love to.

Edwin leaves Lucas's campaign, stating Lucas's numbers are falling, and Lucas only listens to Henry. Both Lucas and Henry seem relieved as they brainstorm rebuilding Lucas's initiatives.

Rosemary and Lee are confused as to why there are so many secrets still concerning Lucas's shooting. Elizabeth stops by to inform Rosemary she has plans with Nathan.

Lily draws a photo of her grandmother's house and mentions missing seeing the stars from her old room. Minnie has an old light that lit the ceiling with stars from when Joseph was afraid of the dark.

Mei receives a letter informing her that her brother Bo is coming to Cape Fullerton, and Mike offers to go with her.

Rosemary angrily confronts Bill in the street. Bill feels terrible but asks him to trust him. He then distracts her, telling her she has a visitor. Randall Rockwell came to discover the truth together about Lucas's shooting.

They ambush Lucas in the cafe, but he refuses to tell them anything about it. Lucas finds Jeanette in his office.

Mike takes Mei to the gardens and wants her brother to come to Hope Valley instead. He proposes. He knows it's sudden, but he loves her, and they don't know when her brother will return again.

Nathan and Elizabeth are about to start their ride, but Henry steals Nathan away.

Lucas berates Jeanette for showing up again, but she is scared. She urges him to cooperate with Casimir Shaw before he destroys him and Hope Valley, but Lucas refuses.

Nathan, Bill, and Henry arrive. Lucas insists on filling them in. Nathan sent word to Mountie headquarters. Henry thinks they should keep an eye on the roads, and Bill tells Lucas and Jeanette to stay put.

Bill runs into Lee and Mike toasting his engagement. He quickly congratulates him and tells the two men he needs their help and to close the saloon.

While Joseph found the night light, Nathan burst into the store, wanting an update on the phones.

Casimer Shaw is watching. Bill fills everyone in. Lee isn’t happy Rosemary wasn’t looped in, but Bill says that it was Lucas’s decision. Nathan returns, saying the phones are still down, and they need to get word to Buxton for reinforcements. Mike volunteers, and they divide the road assignments.

Rosemary is upset that Nathan canceled on Elizabeth again and is convinced she should investigate this mystery with Randall. Lucas confirms he's changed and won't negotiate with Shaw before running out to join the men.

Nathan and Bill haven't had any luck. Lucas joins them.

Randall admits he never met his source. Tips came by note, and recently, he got a note telling him to stop and threatening his family. The handwriting matches Jeanette's hotel receipt. Rosemary rushes off to warn Lucas.

The saloon is closed, and she finds Jeanette there, eager to clarify any lies Randall told her. Allie shows up at Elizabeth's looking for Rosemary, so Elizabeth heads back to town.

Jeanette taunts that Lucas got his memory back and remembered that both she and Casimir Shaw were there the night of the shooting. She tries to make it sound like Shaw threatened Randall's family, but Rosemary doesn't buy it.

Shaw enters, and Jeanette introduces them. He has a gun on her, and Elizabeth enters. Rosemary tries to get her to leave, but now there are two hostages.

Randall finds Lucas, Nathan, and Bill and tells them his suspicions that Jeanette is involved. He shows them the handwriting, and Lucas recognizes both pieces as Jeanette's. Once they're alone, the three men contemplate whether Jeanette is Shaw's partner.

Rosemary and Lucas think Jeanette is in charge and is actually Casimir Shaw.

Bill, Nathan, and Lucas approach the saloon, where Bill notices Rosemary and Elizabeth are being held hostage. Bill tells them they need a plan. Jeanette needs the ladies as leverage.

Lucas arrives and holds his hands up. He tells her she can still get out of this as the man shot him, not her. She tells him she saved his life, or the second bullet would’ve killed him. He admits he owes her that.

Nathan and Bill lurk in the background, ready to shoot. The accomplice grabs Elizabeth as Jeanette threatens to shoot Lucas. Mike returns with reinforcements, and they and Nathan have the accomplice surrounded.

Lucas realizes Jeanette became Shaw because she felt underestimated. Lucas tries to reason with her, finally getting the gun and embracing her.

The accomplice shoots, and it ricochets towards Bill, and Elizabeth and Nathan fall into a wagon. They hold each other, and Rosemary hugs her as they jump out.

Later that night, Nathan and Elizabeth have a meaningful conversation about their relationship and share their first kiss.








When Calls the Heart
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When Calls the Heart Season 11 Episode 11 Quotes

Bill: It’s none of my business, but you really do move like molasses in January, pal. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.
Nathan: The last time I ventured, it didn’t go that well for me, so I’m letting her take the lead this time.
Bill: Well, time is a finite resource, my friend.

There is something going on. I am certain of it.
