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Zara is training for a dart tournament, and has enlisted Eric to help her train. As she tosses candy into his mouth, she learns that he also has quite the accurate aim.

Caryn interrupts their practice session, running out of the house dressed for a date. She is excited that it is date number three, which means a sleepover is likely.

Later that night, Caryn shows up at Zara’s dart tournament upset that she got “lumped,” which, as she tells Stosh, is when you are dumped while getting laid. Stosh and Eric have also showed up at the lesbian bar to cheer on Zara. Eric doesn’t realize that it is a gay bar and is enthusiastic about his chances of meeting someone.

Meanwhile, Zara is taking the competition very seriously and is upset with her partner (and ex-girlfriend) April’s lack of skill. April quits and joins Stosh and Caryn for drinks.

After Eric is mistaken for a lesbian, Zara enlists his help as her partner, giving him the moniker Viper. As they smoke the competition, Caryn and Stosh are having a competition of their own.

Learning April is bisexual, Stosh ask her on a date. But when Caryn learns that April was originally interested in her, she also scores a date for the same weekend.

Since Caryn has never dated girls, she asks Zara to help her prepare for her date. Zara thinks it wrong of Caryn to use April in her game with Stosh. Yet, when Eric shows up dressed for the dart tournament in an outfit Zara picked out, it’s clear that both are manipulating others for their own benefit.

In the end, Zara and Eric win the tournament, and the Caryn, April and Stosh threesome ends up in an unexpected (and, of course, expected) twosome – Stosh and Caryn.

Weird Loners
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Weird Loners Season 1 Episode 6 Quotes

Caryn: I don't even know why I dated this guy. It's not that this guy had a bad personality. He actually had no personality.
Stosh: I once dated a girl with multiple personalities and they were all terrible. But luckily they all had an amazing body.

To happiness, or as I like to call it, sadness in its early stages.
