In the Kitchen with Lizzie  - Virgin River Season 4 Episode 7
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  • Jack: At least everything is okay now. Mel: you think everything's okay? Jack: Yeah, that's what Doc said. Mel: hew as talking about the baby. Jack: And you were talking about... Mel: You were passed out. Jack: I was asleep. Mel: Jack, I thought I was having a miscarriage, and I thought I would have to drive myself to the hospital.
  • Mel: I just want you to ask yourself why you're in such a hurry? Joey: I already know the answer. Love doesn't scare me.
  • Julia: On our picnic there was drawing in the basket of you and a little boy and a woman. Preacher: Yeah, that was Christopher and his mom.
  • Mel: Why are you drinking? Jack: I'm stoked about the airstream. Mel: No, when I came to the bar earlier today, you were drinking a beer. Jack: Oh, okay, so what are we keeping track now? Is that what we're doing? Mel: No, Im' not keeping track, okay? Last night was absolutely horrible awful, and you swore that wouldn't happen again, but then I come home and you're drinking.Jack: I honestly didn't think that having one or two drinks was a problem. Mel: You know I spend every working moment
  • Everything is fine with the baby, and Doc congratulates them and says he won't say anything.
  • Mel expresses her frustrations when they get home because Jack was passed out and she was afraid she'd have to drive to the hospital. She tells him he's not okay and needs to talk to her and that his actions scared her and made her feel alone.
  • Joey arrives and surprises them to announce that she's engaged.
  • Mike is constantly calling Brady and Brie sees it. She encourages him to contact Mike and wonders why Calvin didn't say anything at the lumber yard.
  • Joey tells Mel about Nate who was her high school sweetheart who reached out after he heard Joey got divorced. They're getting married the next day in Clear river, and Joey wants Mel to be her maide of honor.
  • Mel has her concerns about Joey getting married so soon.
  • The sewing circle manage to rope Hope into planning something to honor Lilly and she's starting to feel herself again.
  • Mike tells Brady that the charges against Elmerad lumber employees are dropped and Mike is trying to flip Jimmy on Calvin but needs Brady's help to convince him.
  • Doc and Calvin have to hike rough terrain to get to some patients.
  • Jack gets an idea from tourist about setting up an airstream on hisp roperty.
  • He talks to Nick about airstreams and they come up with a business plan and know they can rope PReach in too.
  • Julia asks Preacher about Christopher and Paige and he tells her that it's complicated, they aren't in town and he's not in the position to talk about it, which must turn Julia off since she goes back to being professional.
  • Brady talks to Jimmy and tries to rile him up. It gets him to take the deal and Mike stops by to let Brady know and also remind him that if drugs pass through Emerald Lumber it's on him and that he should cut Brie loose. Brie overhears, and says Brady shouldn't, but Brady agrees he probably should.
  • Denny cooks and preps for dinner and makes a Japanese dish while Lizzie hangs out. He sends Lizzie to get his phone and she sees drugs for anxiety and panic disorder
  • Hope is driving Jo Ellen to the hardware store when she forgets which way to go and gets into a fender bender.
  • mel comes homeand Jack tells her about the airsteam idea, but she goes off on him about his drinking again, and in the middle of their argument, Joey shows up and tells Mel that thanks to her Nate called off the wedding.



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Virgin River Season 4 Episode 7 Quotes

Jack: At least everything is okay now.
Mel: You think everything's okay?
Jack: Yeah, that's what Doc said.
Mel: He was talking about the baby.
Jack: And you were talking about...
Mel: You were passed out.
Jack: I was asleep.
Mel: Jack, I thought I was having a miscarriage, and I thought I would have to drive myself to the hospital.

Mel: I just want you to ask yourself why you're in such a hurry?
Joey: I already know the answer. Love doesn't scare me.