Happy Times on Upload Season 3
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Nathan and Nora prepare for his Upload day where he'll be as she works to win her case.

They want to spend one last day together doing something special an dbeing intimate before he uploads back into the system and abandons his body.

Nathan tells her they should push off his Upload date one more day.

Ingrid pushes Backup Nathan for more information about his time spent with Nora as she fears the worst. He tells her nothing happened, and then she tells him that she and Nathan almost kissed.

When he tells her about him and Nora, she freaks out. and gets mad at him.

Ingrid enlists TInsley to help her by jumping into Nora's avatar to pretend to be her and check to see if Backup Nathan reall likes her.

Aleesha confides in Luke about her  complicated relationship with Karina and tells him that she doesn't want Karina to meet any more of her friends after what she did to him.

Backup Nathan thanks Ivan for taking Choak and AI guy heard it all and recorded it. Ivan tries to tell AI Guy to keep it secret.

Holden calls Nora and wants her to come in on her day off to help with a clientt. Nathan joins her.

Meanwhile, Ingrid poses as Nora and flirts with Backup Nathan. She gets pulled into her duties at Lake View.

Nora learns that all the information that they got from Choak is considered intellectual property and stolen property, so it's thrown out for the case.

And Nathan can't contribute anything because Horizen owns his thoughts even though he's downloaded.

Aleesha and Karina do a wellness check on Choak, and Luke shows up to meet Karina. He wants to spend time with her and Aleesha, and Karina agrees.

Ingrid is posing at Nora and is still trying to turn Backup Nathan off from Nora. He picks up that it's really Ingrid when she uses a certain term of endearment and responds to the wrong name.

As Nora and Nathan leave, they talk about a new star witness that's coming in to depose before getting whisked away. NOra tells Nathan that they'll bring Nora into the firm permanently and that they'll pay for her law school at night after a year.

Nora takes a call from Holden and they call Nora back inside so she can meet the partners.

Luke hangs out in the executive lounge with Aleesha and Karina. Luke shows off his many hacks he uses in the system. Karina presses him on how he finds all these bugs in the system.

Ingrid learns that Nora deals with a lot of sexism and mistreatment while working at Lakeview and has a better understanding of her and also goes off on people.

AI guy tells Ivan that he told his other versions of himself the secret.

Luke reassures Aleesha abot how great Karina is, and she hugs him. But after the peptalk, he gets locked out of Lakeview Premium and other things because Karina accounts for all the hacks he's made.

While watching the performance Nora got for Nathan, they see the new witness arive and it's Dr. Kapoor. They learn he took a bribe to sabotage the first download.

But the ice cream cart comes by as he's entering the building and blows up. Nathan and Nora realize that he never needed the pills and that he's not at risk of exploding.He doesn't have to upload again if he doesn't want to.

But everyone is reeling from the star witness Kapoor getting blown up outside the law office.

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Upload Season 3 Episode 7 Quotes

Nathan: At least I get to go back to ten percent body fat again.
Nora: Oh, no, I like you this way. More to love.
Nathan: Don't even think about it. Nora, I'm deadass serious. Ten or less.

Nora: Even though you downloaded, Horizen owns what's in your head.
Nathan: Ingrid owns this body, Horizen owns my thoughts. But my heart, that belongs to you.