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After Fauzi speaks out against Barry, Molly and Maloof convince him to have his friend arrested. Daliyah finds out about the order, and helps Fauzi escape to Jordan with her son, Ghani. Fauzi only agreed to go thinking that she would accompany him, but she turns back at the border, telling him that somebody needs to stay and fight from the inside. Daliyah starts making speeches against the election delay (and indirectly against Barry) leading to a secret meeting with Leila. Despite the older woman's warnings, Daliyah insists that she is safe because Barry loves her. Later, she is summoned to the palace by Molly, who confronts her about the affair. When Barry enters Molly's office, he is surprised to find her there, but at Molly's prompting, places Daliyah under arrest. He later visits her in her cell, where Daliyah urges him to turn back and stay true to the ideas of democracy. At his refusal, she informs him that she will be going on a hunger strike and calls for the guards to remove him.

Leila and Al Qadi meet with Exley and Cogswell to argue for the US pulling support from Barry. They then go to visit Saddiq at Ma'an to ask for his support as well. He eventually joins them, giving up the governorship, but not before he tells the refugees that they are free to leave the camp and settle in Ma'an if they wish. Many of the soldiers from the Ma'an region abandon the army and join him as he goes to team up with Al Qadi and Leila in her new "humble" home. Cogswell gets the word from Exley that the state department followed her advice and will continue to support Barry. She relays the orders to remove US troops from the Ma'an region where internal conflict is brewing. Cogswell defies orders and rolls the American troops between the Abuddinian army and the Ma'an militia in order to prevent a civil war, and to protect Leila.

Wafiq has been sentenced to death, and Nafisa is allowed to visit him one time before the execution. He tells her that he does not mind dying as long as his death isn't in vain, and then asks her to kill Al Qadi so that the coalition will collapse and the Caliphate will have a clearer path to victory in Abuddin. She berates him for asking her to do such a thing, but he reminds her of everything that he's done for her and everything that the tyrannical regimes of the Al Fayeeds have taken from them. She reluctantly picks up the poison from the pharmacy and laces Al Qadi's teacup, but she crumbles and tries to stop him. He becomes suspicious and orders her to drink his tea. As she is about to, he knocks the drink out of her hand. They end up having a long talk about their differing reactions to adversity and loss, and strengthen their relationship in the process.

Halima visits Barry and tries to remind him of who he was before Emma died, but is unsuccessful. She reluctantly approaches Kattan about forming an alliance amongst the students and organizing a sit in to protest the election delays. Unbeknownst to her, after he agrees, he has a friend contact a family member about bringing weapons into the rally. 

Sammy continues to struggle with Ahmed's revelation and his defection from Leila. Later, he confronts his father about how he's changed, and tells Barry that he is opposed to the actions that he is taking. 

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Tyrant Season 3 Episode 9 Quotes

Tragic heroes make very poor political partners.


He's my oldest friend. We used to commiserate about my father when kids, getting drunk. The old dictator. Now he says the same things about me.

Barry [about Fauzi]