Getting Answers - Treadstone
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Tara finds herself in trouble when Petra tells her the truth. 

Things take a turn when they go to the stilletto six satelite and it's gone. 

Tara later gets the phonecall on her phone, confirming she is a Cicada and that she's to kill Yuri. 

Edwards heads to Amsterdam with the aim of speaking to the media about the CIA. 

This causes more problems for everyone; 

Ellen reluctantly agrees to work with Dan when he tells her he will make sure she is the scapegoat in all of the drama. 

Things take an explosive turn when SoYun requests help and is told she will be made a citizen of the U.S. if she tells them everything. 

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Treadstone Season 1 Episode 9 Quotes

Ellen: What the hell is this?
Dan: Right and wrong, taking a back seat to winning at any cost.

I am looking at illegal acts of war on multiple fronts.
