Being Programmed - Treadstone
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Randolph started to remember what Petra did to him. 

He tried to kill her, but they ultimately ended up having sex after she became a traitor. 

In the present, Petra made her way to Yuri's boat, but when he confronted her, they argued. Yuri called her a traitor and sent her away from the island to live out her years alone. 

Doug and Sam went on the run and found themselves in danger at every turn. 

In the end, Doug went into a house, but it exploded the moment he walked in, leaving his fate up in the air. 

Tara found herself in trouble when her whole team was kidnapped. 

Megan was murdered and she passed over the login details. 

In the end, Tara found another way to make her way into the good place to save everyone. 

So, she booked a trip to Moscow. 

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Treadstone Season 1 Episode 7 Quotes

They're sending another asset.


I remember everything, what you did to me. What you made me do. You've taken everything from me.
