June and the handmaids making plans - The Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Episode 2
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Guardians come to investigate the disappearance of the man Esther killed, and June realizes she and the other fugitive handmaids need to leave.

She goes to a Mayday contact, a Jezebel named Daisy, who sets up a safehouse for June and the other handmaids.

June wants to help set the Jezebels free, and with the help of Esther, she helps the Jezebels poison the commanders. 

June then goes back to the Keyes property and is captured. The other handmaids remain unaccounted for.

In Canada, Luke, Moira, and Rita fundraise to help the children June rescued. 

Moira and Rita help Asher, one the children rescued who's having a hard time adjusting to life in Canada.

This prompts Moira and Emily to be mad at June for making big decisions with considering the consequences.

Elsewhere, Serena comes to terms with her trauma and tries to manipulate Fred into recanting his allegations.

It doesn't work and Serena wants to separate her interests from her estranged husband, but she later learns she's pregnant.

The Handmaid's Tale
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The Handmaid's Tale Season 4 Episode 2 Quotes

Moira: Thank you for speaking.
Rita: Well, Luke asked me, so I couldn’t say no.
Moira: Sure you could. Free means you’re free to say no.
Rita: Well, being here is a gift, and I thank god for it every day and for June.
Moira: Well, June’s still there, raising hell.
Rita: I keep her in my prayers.
Moira: Pray for Gilead.

When I first met June, I didn’t think she could do something like this, save all of these children, save me. Angels Flight is because of her. She got us out, and she stayed behind to keep fighting even knowing what that could mean. Gilead has a way of bringing out the worst in people, but in June it brought out the best.
