Kat, Sutton, and Jane at the Scarlet Summit - The Bold Type
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It is a few months after Paris and Kat is still going through heartache with Adena. She has to send her stuff back, which she is putting off doing and instead pretends that everything is fine. When Patrick, the new person running digital at Scarlet, tells Kat to post more online she takes that as a way to show Adena how well she is doing.

That doesn't end up working and Alex tells her she just needs some more time. She kisses Alex but he stops it and takes her home. Then after faking it again at the Summit, Kat listens to Patrick and becomes more real online. She shares what she is going through and many people, including Adena, feel inspired to do the same. 

Meanwhile, Jane chooses Pinstripe and everything is going well for her there until she finds out a guy is running their digital content team. She isn't happy about it and takes Patrick's challenge to write an article where she tries to prove if he is right for the job. She thinks she finds a scoop until it is revealed that Patrick stood up for gender inequality in the workplace and has to publish a promising piece on him.

Sutton and Richard are enjoying being out in the open until he asks her to move in. She thinks it is too soon, especially when Richard tells Jacqueline before Sutton even says yes. But when she sees how an executive tries to insinuate that their relationship is just Richard looking for someone younger, Sutton gets why he is trying to prove that what they have is real. She decides she does want to move in with him officially. 

The Bold Type
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The Bold Type Season 3 Episode 1 Quotes

Kat: Hey, is this seat taken?
Alex: Well, turns out I'm not exactly a hit at the lesbian bar, so no.

People don't want perfection, Kat. They want this, they want honesty.
