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Liz is living in a cabin in the woods and has a new dog. It's a very lonely life. Her generator dies and she goes to the local store to pick up the parts she needs. Her new name is Grace.

She has flashbacks to when she got out of the hospital and went through physical therapy. She's in a wheelchair. 

Liz gets a delivery from a police guy with a package. She invites him in. Her dog's name is Kate. There's a storm coming. He talks to her about her life but she doesn't offer much. He likes her.

Another flashback to her visiting Tom's grave. She's walking now. She's devastated.

Kate is barking like a mad dog and Liz goes to investigate. She finds an injured man and brings him inside. Her car is dead and she tries to get help on the radio but it's not working. 

Flashback to the Task Force getting together to reminisce about Tom.

She hikes to the station to find Colin, but he's not there. Another flashback. She wants Red to keep working on the Task Force. She's going away and he asks about Agnes. 

She leaves a not for Colin and heads back to the cabin. Someone is there.  It's a group of guys who were apparently in a plane crash. 

Flashback to her giving Agnes to Scottie while she's gone.

Liz goes back to the barn to check on the radio. It's working but not how she wants. She gets back to cabin and Colin is there. 

The injured guy tells her that the other guys are not his friends and that they are going to kill him and her.  Apparently, they are mob guys.

Kate is missing and Liz goes looking for her in the barn. She finds the dog and Colin dead.

Flashback to Liz telling Red that she's letting Scottie take care of Agnes. 

Liz uses the walkie to talk to the bad guy. The guy is coughing because she laced his ice with glass. She takes on Bill and his guys and wins.

Liz walking away from the town as the FBI starts investigating the incidents at the cabin. Somewhere she finds an apartment with all the boxes she's been getting. It's all information on Garvey.

She visits Red and thanks him for honoring his promise not to follow her. She tells him about what happened in the cabin.




The Blacklist
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The Blacklist Season 5 Episode 9 Quotes

Liz: The one thing I have learned out here in all my time alone?
Bad guy: What's that?
Liz: Men just get in my way.

I'm not doing very well.
