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Zilpha leaps into the Thames, committing suicide.

Strange meets with Delaney in prison, where Delaney blackmails him, demanding a ship in exchange for his cooperation

Delaney's plan is set into motion, with Robert delivering messages to all concerned, and Lorna off to meet the American spies.

Strange arranges for Helga and her associate to be "kidnapped" by Atticus. Atticus takes possession of Helga and kills the East India lackey Pettifer.

Strange arranges to give the ship Good Hope to Delaney as part of the bargain.

Lorna explains to Helga that East India is responsible for the murder of Winter.

The Chemist concocts explosives for Delaney to use in his escape attempt.

Lorna meets with Countess Musgrave, the American spy, to secure a letter of transport for Delaney to escape.

She blackmails the Countess, and also tells her that she has a leak in her organization, assuring her that Delaney will deal the leak.

Delaney recants his testimony, but is released anyway.

Delaney goes back to the manor, and reads the suicide note left to him by Zilpha. Delaney is devastated.

The League of the Damned load the gunpowder onto the ship.

Delaney meets with Dumbarton, and it is revealed that Dumbarton is a spy for East India as well. Delaney kills Dumbarton and hangs his body from the rafters.

The Prince Regent orders that Delaney be killed, no matter what the repercussions. 

Delaney tells Brace that he is not accompanying him on the trip. He tells Brace that everything belongs to him, and orders him back to the manor.

The Red Coats descend on Delaney and his league before they can board the ship. A horrible battle ensues.

The Chemist sets off explosives, killing a few Red Coats. In the battle Helga is killed, Lorna is shot, and the Chemist is blown up by his own concoctions, and is near death.

Delaney and what's left of his crew escape on the ship.

Strange is smug, in his assurance that he's won, but when he opens a document, a bomb explodes, presumably killing Strange.

Brace gives Chichester documents by Godfrey and Delaney, implicating East India in the sinking of The Influence.

Delaney tells the crew they are bound for the Azores, in search of the American spy called Collonade.




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Taboo Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

I need a ship. You have four hours.

Delaney [to Strange]

The things I did in Africa make your transactions look paltry. I witnessed and participated in darkness that you cannot conceive.

Delaney [to Strange]