Only Morons Settle - Sweetbitter
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Tess drops a plate during work. Simone gives Tess another tidbit of advice about embracing her challenges and testing her limits.

Tess practices how to execute the three plate carry, but can't get it until Will helps her technique and heat tolerance. Will and Tess have sex. Tess tells Ari and asks if she should settle for Will.

Ari says no, and tells Heather Will and Tess had sex. Heather tells Tess to be nice to Will because he's sweet.

Jake spots a tattoo on Tess's neck, and they make a date after work to chill together at Home Bar.

Howard schedules Serena, Simone's ex-friend and an alumna from the restaurant, in the reservation book. When Simone asks Jake to walk her home, Jake bails on his date with Tess to do so.

Tess overhears Simone and Serena have a heated discussion in the backroom where Serena beseeches Simone to be her friend again. Simone refuses.

During another lesson from Simone, Tess finds out Simone and Serena are estranged because Serena refuses to leave her husband whose influence has caused her to be anorexic and Simone is tired of being put in the middle of Serena's troubles.

Simone invites Tess to her house to read the wine books she offered the night before.

Tess tells Will that she doesn't see a romantic future for them together.

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Sweetbitter Season 1 Episode 3 Quotes

Will: Is it alright if I kiss you?
Tess: You know you said that out loud right?
Tess: Does that work for you? Asking?
Will: I was raised polite. Please. Thank you. Ma’am. May I kiss you?

The things that come easily to us do not define us. We define the edges by challenging ourselves.
