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On this episode of Supernatural…

Dean receives a call from a former friend, Sonny, who is in charge of a boys home, about a ghost problem.

Dean runs into the girl he kissed when he was young and the two discuss where their lives have gone and how it didn’t turn out as bad as they though.

A mother spirit remains connected to her son at the home, who is killing those that cause her son harm. He lets her go so she can move on.

Dean flashbacks to his time at the boys home when he was 16, including his relationship with another girl. For two months, he leads a normal life.

When John Winchester returns to pick him up, Dean is sad but knows he needs to protect his brother and chooses to go.

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Supernatural Season 9 Episode 7 Quotes

Cars are freaking cool as hell. Fixing them is like a puzzle, and the best part is when you're done, they leave, and you're not responsible for them anymore.


I guess we didn’t know everything we thought we did at 16.
