Saying Farewell - Sugar
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Sugar finds Olivia and takes her home. Melanie and Olivia are reunited.

Sugar knows he’s obsessing, but he can’t help it. He leaves Wiley in the room and goes back to the basement.

Miller gets killed by highway patrol.

Sugar visits Ruby. Is everything OK? Just Henry being stubborn. She’s really glad he found Olivia, but Sugar isn’t so sure. He no longer knows what to think.

Sugar visits Henry to get a CD player. Henry only has kind words for Sugar and everything he’s been processing.

The senator’s kid was the perfect narcissist, living off of other’s pain. Sugar can barely stand to listen to his recordings.

He visits the Siegel’s house. He offers condolences to Margit, and while she thanks him, she says no matter how many condolences she gets, she’s not feeling any better.

Margit doesn’t buy his good guy act, but Sugar reminds her that Olivia is only in danger because Davy has put her there. Then he says how brilliant Davy was in Boy in the Corner.

Jonathan offers Sugar a job as internet security for his whole company, but he turns it down, which surprises Jonathan.

Outside, Sugar sees Bernie and Olivia talking together. He remembers his sister momentarily. He wonders if Olivia has talked about it at all. He’s worried. Something doesn’t feel right. He tells Jonathan that he knows he got rid of the body in the trunk. He also returns the Polaroids to Jonathan.

They broke it off after she got pregnant. Jonathan asks if Sugar thinks Olivia is his daughter, but Sugar genuinely doesn’t care as long as she is loved.

Ruby is heading to the evacuation point. Sugar has a few more stops to make before he grabs Henry. Then they’ll meet.

He listens to the son’s recordings again. He could do and be anything he wanted, but what he does is what makes him feel alive.

Sugar takes Wiley to Melanie’s house, and she demands he come in for some lemonade. She wonders if he’s going back to see his sister, and he tells her that she was taken by someone and never seen again. It’s why he does what he does.

He hesitates, and she begins to get freaked out. But he wants her to take his hands. She does, and she sees who he is. When his eyes go blue, he almost looks like Mel Gibson. That’s odd. The Corvette is the same color as his eyes.

Ruby calls. They’re being hunted. They don’t want anyone to ever know about their pact. Just get here.

Sugar returns to the Seigel house. He needs to ask Olivia what she remembers. He wasn’t alone in the basement, was he? No, he wasn’t alone. Sugar wonders if it was the senator. Pavich. She could hear him writing. OMG. It’s Henry. Yep, it IS Henry.

Sugar gets to Henry’s place. His phone is ringing, and it’s Henry. He observes. That’s how they learn. They’re opposites—the darkness and the light. Henry isn’t leaving, and he says that Sugar belongs here, too. What does that mean? Sugar asks. Henry left him rose petals. He goes to the door, and behind it is Jen’s clothing. He takes Jen.

Henry is trapped in a cycle of violence. But what about him? Is he any different? He loves being here and how he can love, hurt, taste, and feel. Has he become more human, like Henry?

Ruby and everyone knew about Pavich, so they went along with it for the mission. Other than Henry, everyone else has left. This is the last ride home.

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Sugar Season 1 Episode 8 Quotes

Endings are a strange thing. You know it’s coming, and yet, everything ends.


Three words. I found her. Everything ends.
