The discovery - Severance Season 1 Episode 4
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In the break room, Helly continues to read the compunction statement repeatedly. Milchick looks at the clock. He turns off the equipment and tells her they will try again in the morning.

Milchick walks Helly to the elevator. In what feels instantaneous, she has changed and reappears in the morning.

In the break room, Helly hears a muffled voice and asks what it is, but Milchick doesn't answer. Helly tearfully continues to read the compunction statement.

The phone rings in Mark's basement. He picks it up. All the numbers are blocked. He hides in a box with old camping gear.

At work, Mark sits in a stall in the washroom and contemplates the hand-drawn map on the back of the photo.

As Mark returns to his desk, Irving expresses concern for how long Helly has been in the break room and wonders if Mark should intervene. Dylan points out that Mark doesn't have that power.

Burt from O&D enters, apologizing for interrupting. Dylan responds defensively with aggression.

Burt delivers the new handbook totes and offers an invitation to any of the Macrodata team to get an informal tour of Optics and Design should they desire it. Irving heads out to see the O&D department.

Helly returns, looking exhausted. Mark asks her how many times, and she replies 1072.

Using Burt's instructions, Irving heads to O&D.

Helly asks about the angry, mumbling voice, which Dylan heard as a crying baby. Mark stresses that they are not supposed to talk about the break room. Dylan suggests thinking about something she is actually sorry about.

Mark assures Helly that she will learn. Irving arrives at Optics and Design. The other woman, Felicia, is there and directs him to Burt.

Burt explains the process of putting up the art. Irving notes how thrilling it must be to see the art before anyone else. He says he cried when he first saw "The Youthful Convalescence of Kier."

Burt explains that once the hall art has cycled through all the departments, it ends up here. Burt shows him "The Youthful Convalescence of Kier," and they both gaze upon it reverently.

They touch hands momentarily. Irving realizes he must go.

Helly tells Mark that she got to 4%. He congratulates her. Irving walks through the hallways and passes an empty conference room, where he spies a book -- "The You You Are."

Helly finds Mark's map and shows it to Dylan. Mark says he thinks Petey made it, and Dylan is surprised Mark didn't turn it in.

Helly asks why they aren't supposed to map the office. Mark tells her it's an Eagan rule. Helly notes the houses on the map, which look like they are outside, and perhaps Petey found a way to get to them.

Helly accuses Mark of being more loyal to the company than to Petey. Mark says it was better before Helly because they could work and have fun.

Helly holds up the map to Mark, accusing him of not caring about his best friend. Mark takes the photo/map and puts it through the paper shredder.

Irving returns, stating it is an emergency.

Irving takes Dylan and Mark to the empty conference room where Ricken's book sits on a chair. All three are stumped about what to do as they are not allowed any books other than the handbook.

Mark picks up the book and flips through, realizing it has an inscription to him. Dylan thinks it could be another message from Petey. Irving believes it might be a test. Mark says he will turn it in to Milchick.

Helly finds a paper cutting machine.

Mark, Irving, and Dylan return to find Helly gone.

Helly enters Ms. Cobel's office, followed by Milchick. Helly has her hand in the paper cutter, threatening to slice her fingers off unless she can make a resignation video for her Outie.

Ms. Cobel asks Milchick to get the video camera. Helly films a video for her Outie.

The entire team walks Helly to the elevator. Helly goes up in the elevator, holding her video disk.

The elevator dings and Helly is back, holding a different video disk.

Helly watches the video from her Outie. Helly's Outie explains that she received the video, as well as the previous resignation request. Outie Helly explains that Innie Helly is not a real person. Outie Helly is the one who makes the decisions. She denies the resignation request.

Later, at home, Mark goes over his sister's birthing options with her. Mark gets a notification on his phone of a news story that Petey has died of an "unknown ailment."

The phone in the box in the basement continues to buzz.

Mr. Graner meets with Ms. Cobel, stressing that Kilmer was not her fault. She insists they must get Petey's chip. Graner notes that Petey will be cremated on Sunday after his funeral.

Ms. Cobel recites the nine core Lumon principles as she looks at a small framed photo.

Mark attends Petey's funeral. Mrs. Selvig approaches him, surprised to see him. Mark explains that Petey worked at Lumon, so he thought maybe he knew him. Mrs. Selvig says Petey used to come into her shop.

A young woman stands by the casket. Mark tells Mrs. Selvig he's going to the bathroom. Mark gets a wine at the bar.

Cobel/Selvig approaches the young woman at the casket and asks if she was a friend. The young woman explains that she is Petey's daughter. Selvig offers her sympathies.

Nina, Petey's ex-wife, introduces herself to Mark as she doesn't know him. She realizes Mark is from Lumon, so he didn't know Petey at all.

Mark starts to explain, but June comes to get her mom, saying they are about to start the service. Mark asks if she's June, which June confirms.

Mark sits down for the service. June sits down behind him asks how he knew Petey. Mark says from work. June suggests that severance is maybe not the best way to deal with a difficult situation. He doesn't know how to respond.

A video plays of Petey and June playing guitar together, "Enter Sandman" by Metallica.

While the video plays, Mrs. Selvig goes into the room with the casket and drills into Petey's head to remove the chip.

Mark feels overwhelmed and has to leave. Ms. Selvig catches him as he goes. June overhears their chatter, but not what they are saying, and watches the two of them leave together.

As they get home, Mrs. Selvig offers to talk whenever he might need it and bids him goodnight.

Instead of going inside, Mark drives to the place where Gemma's fatal car accident took place. He places his hand on a tree and weeps.

At Lumon, Ms. Cobel hands Milchick the chip in a small plastic sandwich bag. He starts to ask how she got it, but she quickly asks him to take it up to diagnostics for her.

A knock at the door. It's Ms. Casey. Ms. Cobel asks Ms. Casey to run a special wellness session with Mark -- he needs it.

Burt sets up a painting above a water fountain and drinks. Irving approaches, remarking how he doesn't like this particular painting. Burt agrees.

Quietly, Burt thanks Irving for coming to visit and apologizes for embarrassing himself. Irving says he did no such thing. Burt says he had four more stops and asks if Irving would like to join him.

Together, the two men walk through the hallways with the painting. Burt notes that it's crazy Irving can nap. Irving says that the handbook clearly shows that they shouldn't sleep on the job.

Burt notes that he prefers the first edition handbook and quotes it. Burt explains to Irving that Kier speaks to them, not just through the handbook and paintings.

In the washroom, Mark reads Ricken's book. The passage that stands out to him reads, "Your job needs you, not the other way around."

Burt and Irving part ways.

Ms. Casey calls Mark in for his wellness session.

Helly bids goodbye to Dylan leaves for the day, carrying a thick electrical cord.

Dylan goes into Mark's drawer and pulls out "The You You Are."

Helly grabs a tall garbage can.

Ms. Casey lights a candle and hands Mark a ball of clay, asking him to sculpt how he feels. Ms. Cobel watches over the security camera.

Helly gets to the elevator.

Dylan reads an acrostic poem about destiny in Ricken's book.

Irving heads back to O&D and looks in, where he peers behind a door and sees many people working with strange machines.

Mark sculpts a tree out of the clay.

Helly sets up the can and the rope in the elevator and hangs herself.

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Severance Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Rise up from your deathbed and sally forth, more perfect for the struggle.

Irving (quoting Kier Eagan)

I like to imagine my Outie’s love made with a MILF or two, which is obviously badass, but I do pity the husbands.
