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Homeland sends Happy, Cabe, Toby, and Walter to the Antarctic circle to try to reach a drone in order to save some soldiers who are under attack in Darfur. While they freeze, Sylvester, Ralph, and Paige provide support in the garage to both the other half of Team Scorpion and Captain Decker and the troops trapped in Darfur.

Ralph manages to keep Captain Decker calm, and he also manages to give Decker some tips on how to win their fight. Oh, and there's also Fall Out Boy, which is always a good thing.

In Antarctica, the team has to send a patch up to a drone satellite up above. This is easier said than done. There's a snow storm raging, which knocks out the wifi signal, forcing Team Scorpion to venture out into the blizzard. While they try to put up the antenna out away from the hut, ice falls separating Happy from the rest of the group.

Toby ventures out on his own to try to find Happy while Cabe and Walter focus on assembling the antennae. Toby manages to locate Happy, with a little help from his nemesis, and Walter and Cabe fix the antennae. Now, Cabe and Walter have to find Toby and Happy. Thankfully, Ralph's super smart and figures out a way for Walter and Cabe to listen for Toby and Happy.

Don't worry, Cabe and Walter get to Happy and Toby in time, and there's even an adorable rooftop snowball fight to celebrate.

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Scorpion Season 2 Episode 13 Quotes

Who are you? What have you down with Unhappy Quinn?


Cabe: Are you sure you know what you're doing?
Sylvester: I'm a hypochondriac. I've been taking my own blood pressure since I was nine.