The Liars - S01E07 - Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
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After the events at Hell House, the girls reconvene at the ice cream shop with a shaken and traumatized Imogen.

The next day, Jen and Noa discuss their relationship, with Noa ready to rip the bandaid off by breaking up with Shawn. Greg and Faran hook up, and Imogen has another night of terror.

At summer school, the girls list suspects as they feel it's time to uncover Bloody Rose's identity.

Faran talks to Kelly for the first time since Hell House and warns her that a new killer could be Kelly's mom.

Shawn takes Noa's breaking up with him hard, but Noa leaves out that she is now with Jen to soften the blow.

A location scout shows up at the movie theater looking for places to possibly film a true-crime film about the Millwood Massacres, inspiring Tabby to make a more accurate depiction of the events.

Mouse and Ash try to get the zealots on SpookySpaghetti off of their backs by posting a fake video of Mouse pretending to be Angela Waters, but the plan backfires horribly.

Imogen confronts Dr. Sullivan about her suspicions that the therapist might be Bloody Rose. Still, Sullivan tells Imogen how she's connected to the Waters and that A possibly killed her son years ago.

Worried that her mom might be Bloody Rose, Kelly drugs her mother and calls Faran to meet her at the pool, but the killer shows up instead. When Faran arrives, she finds Kelly face down in the pool and Bloody Rose waiting for her.


Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
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