The Girls - Pretty Little Liars: Summer School - Season 1 Episode 5
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After Faran's test and attack from Bloody Rose, the girls meet at her house to help dress the wound and tell her about finding the real Rose Waters.

At Noa's house, she and Jen share an intimate moment that turns into more. The following day, Shawn shows up for a run with Noa, and Jen almost gives away her and Noa's night together.

At a therapy session, Imogen confronts Dr. Sullivan about her involvement with Rose Waters; while at the pool, Faran and Greg arm wrestle.

While working at the pizza parlor, Shawn's mom confronts Noa about Shawn lending her two thousand dollars.

Imogen's dad invites her over to his place to meet his new fiance over dinner, and Henry asks Faran to join the youth group with him.

At the church youth group, Faran witnesses Kelly and Greg make confessions to her about apologizing for their past actions.

That night, Tabby and Imogen break into Dr. Sullivan's office and discover that the doctor has been recording all of their sessions together without the girls' consent.

Everyone gets along at the dinner for Imogen's dad and his fiance until Imogen notices that her dad's fiance is wearing her mom's old engagement ring. Imogen loses her temper and threatens her dad's fiance.

Noa receives flowers with a note from Bloody Rose, starting Noa's test like Faran and Mouse's.

She goes to the woods, where a path of rose stems with their thorns is laid for her to run across.

Bloody Rose appears with a large dog that she sets on Noa, forcing the girl down the thorny path until Noa comes to a road that Jen happens to be driving down.

Jen stops and lets Noa in the car before the girls drive away, avoiding the dog and Bloody Rose.

Pretty Little Liars: Summer School
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Pretty Little Liars: Summer School Season 1 Episode 5 Quotes

Mouse: Does anyone actually know how we got connected to Dr. Sullivan in the first place?
Noa: Our moms set it up for us, but who knows how they found her?

I wanted to stop her and save us. I thought I could put an end to all this shit once and for all. I thought I'd be strong enough, but I wasn't and I failed.
