Krysten Ritter as Lucy - S01E01 - Orphan Black: Echoes
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In the year 2050, Lucy wakes up in a cozy cottage room she doesn't recognize with a doctor she's never seen before.

The doctor asks her a few easy questions to test Lucy's memory. Still, when Lucy is unable to remember basic details of her life, she becomes hysterical, prompting an orderly to sedate her.

Waking up later that night, Lucy finds she is unable to escape the room until she dismantles a lamp and uses the parts to break out.

Upon exit, she realizes that the room she woke up in was only a facade and that she is actually in a warehouse housing self-contained rooms like the one she woke up in.

Investigating the next room she sees, she discovers vats full of a strange goo-like substance before the doctor enters and tells her that she is a printed copy from a high-resolution scan.

Two years later,  Lucy lives in the countryside in a trailer on the property of her landlord, Jack, who has a young daughter, Charlie, who is also deaf.

Lucy has started a relationship with Jack while forming a close bond with Charlie.

The next day, while at work in a fruit harvesting field, she is accidentally hit by a truck before waking up in the hospital.

News of her hospital visit reaches the mysterious doctor from before, and a man is sent to apprehend her.

While trying to fend off the man who attacks her and tries to take her by force, Charlie shoots the man in the head before he can do the same to Lucy.

No longer safe in the country, Lucy takes Jack and Charlie somewhere safe before she heads to the city to confront the people trying to find her.

While searching for answers, she sees a teenage girl who looks strikingly familiar before following her.

Lucy realizes she is also being followed by another agent trying to apprehend her.

She holds the teenage girl at gunpoint, realizing she is a possible copy like her and threatens to shoot her if the agent doesn't back down before Lucy kidnaps the girl.

Orphan Black: Echoes
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Orphan Black: Echoes Season 1 Episode 1 Quotes

Jack: Why was it so hard for you in the city? What happened there?
Lucy: It's just not even really worth talking about.
Jack: So you've said.
Lucy: It was just a rough year. I was just lost till I came here. Till I met you.
Jack: My mystery woman.

Lucy: What is this?
Kira: This isn't how I wanted you--.
Lucy: What is this?!
Kira: You were created -- you were printed from a high-resolution scan using a very complex process.