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Victoria made a deal with Weaver and tried to turn over a new leaf. The first stop in her apology tour was to hand over the documents giving Jacinda full custody of Lucy. 

Jacinda was shocked, but she let all the animosity go. Lucy was happy to return home to her mother, but Victoria cornered her at school and took her on a mission by saying they understood each other. 

In the end, Victoria used Lucy to get Anastasia back. She used the tear Lucy cried upon learning that everything was going wrong for them. Lucy fainted when Anastasia was brought back. 

In the past, we found out that Rapunzel was Victoria and that she made a deal with Mother Gothel to save her family. When Rapunzel escaped the family had moved on, and Marcus was married to Cecilia and Drizella was referring to her as mother. 

In the end, Rapunzel murdered Cecilia and was shocked when Anastasia was in a coma after falling into icy water. 

Weaver made a deal with Rogers that they would work together to help each other out, but was it too late for them?

Once Upon a Time
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Once Upon a Time Season 7 Episode 9 Quotes

Victoria: I've missed our talks, detective.
Weaver: Did you enjoy the one with your daughter?
Victoria: To be honest, not since she was four. I only agreed to meet with her because I knew it would afford me the chance to speak with you.
Weaver:Oh, well I am flattered. But, given your ... current situation, you don't have very much to offer.
Victoria: How could i forget your skillset always comes with a price?

The women from that Netflix show look better in orange.
