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-Nolan Powers. a self help guru acts erratically but doesn't believe in therapy. Dani eventually deduces that he has multiple personality disorder and 8 year old Scotty emerges when Nolan blacks out. Scotty begs for help but Nolan refuses to go into therapy.


-TK and new love Sheera talk about starting a lingerie business together but Sheera takes the idea to Connor before clearing it with TK leaving him feeling steam rolled by her enthusiasm.


-Sam, a V3 agent from the west coast hits on Dani, sends her flowers and takes her out for drinks. After having a horrible week, Dani ends up at Sam's hotel room to spend the night before he heads back to the west coast.


-Nico is working with the Feds after they threatened to charge him for his work with Pittman. He turns over V3 files, then heads to the immigration office to visit someone.

Necessary Roughness
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Necessary Roughness Season 3 Episode 4 Quotes

Nico: I guess you won't be buying his book anytime soon.
Dani: Not unless I run out of firewood.

Are you pimping or assisting?
