Facing Pressure - Motherland: Fort Salem
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On college fall break, Tally has gone with Raelle to the Chippewa Cession. Raelle asks Tally not to talk about anything having to do with her military life to Raelle's father Edwin. Adil has gone home to Annapolis with Abigail. They hope to obtain a sample of Charvel's blood as they hunt her killers. Tally finds graffiti denouncing Alder. Raelle and Tally are being tailed. Petra has invited a house full of Abigail's potential suitors, including Gregorio. On TV, Raelle hears that India is blaming the train attack on the Camarilla. Scylla and Anacostia have Tiffany, rescued from the Camarilla's masquerade ball. Scylla knocks out Anacostia and takes the girl to Willa.Tally spots the tail car. They were sent by Alder to keep an eye on Raelle. Alder yanks Anacostia out of her undercover assignment and assigns Petra to rescue young witches taken by the Spree. Raelle talks to Wren, Willa's best friend, about Willa's failing to appear when summoned. Adil gets to know Abigail's three fathers. Holding Tiffany's hand, Willa sees the vet's office where the Camarilla had held her. Tally determines that Nicte created the Spree. Nicte is alive, heading up the Spree cell that Jonas joined. Abigail is being pushed to choose a suitor. Minerva encourages her to make her own mark. Abigail takes Adil to Charvel's grave to extract a blood sample. Edwin reassures Raelle about Willa's feelings for her. Nicte spies on Alder from her hideout. Izadora shows Alder and Anacostia what she has learned about the Camarilla's black virus. Nicte pours molten metal down Jonas's throat, causing Alder's voicebox to burn, along with her Biddies'. Scylla and Willa attack the Camarilla's holding facility but it's been cleaned out. Scylla discovers Raelle is a target just as the Camarilla dart Tally and snatch Raelle. 

Motherland: Fort Salem
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Motherland: Fort Salem Season 2 Episode 6 Quotes

Raelle: People of the session have never been shy about expressing their opinions.
Tally: [Alder] causes more problems than she fixes, doesn't she?
Raelle: Is that what your ghost told you?
Tally: More or less.

Raelle: Maybe, around my dad, don't talk about the witch bomb or deployment or The Spree and, yeah, definitely not Scylla.
Tally: That's a lot not to talk about.