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Ken and Pete are waiting for Don at a restaurant, drinking expensive wine, talking about germ killer and poop. Ken is giving Pete the runaround, but when Don arrives saying Ken shouldn't have second thoughts, Ken just says OK.

Don has a message from Diana, but there are instructions not to give the first two messages. 

Dawn didn't pay the lease and Roger is still getting headaches from having too many assistants.

Trudy calls Pete. Their daughter was on the wait list for Greenwich Day School and didn't get in. 

Joan brings in the ladies. Someone gave notice on the lease. They weren't informed and they're upset. Whoops.

Peggy has a bunch of kids in a room with toy, including Play Doh and a slinky. They're trying to find kids for a commercial and Stan realizes Peggy knows nothing about kids and probably hates them.

Roger calls Ferg at McCann Erickson. They're moving the whole building over there at the end of the month. There's no reason to rent two floors in the Time Life building. They're taking them home, he says.

The fighting begins among the partners as they realize they're being swallowed whole. Ted likes it over there. 

Pete tells Peggy what's going on, for her ears only and because he needs to tell someone and to hear he'll be OK.

Joan calls Richard. He immediately books a flight to be with her.

Don plunks himself down on his couch and doesn't want to be bothered to see apartments or anything. He gets a call from Lou in California. He's moving to Tokoyo to get his cartoon made. 

A lightbulb goes off over Don's head. Sterling Cooper West is now vacant. They decide to deliver clients to McCann in 24 hours. They've done it before.

Peggy is working with a head hunter who tells her she has to go through McCann Erickson because she doesn't have a degree. He says word always gets out and McCann is vindictive so she has to act fast.

Roger and Pete try to talk Ken into maintaining their independence by staying but he say no and walks out the door. Apparently he's always wanted to stick it to Roger.

Pete and Trudy go to the Greenwich school. They discover their daughter Tammy didn't draw a man properly. The reality of it was the headmaster was holding a 300 year old clan fued against Pete. WTH?

When Peggy suggests Stan look for the child actor, she ends up telling him about McCann before a little kid staples her finger.

While Don is making his presentation to Jim, he's interrupted and asked to sit down. He says he doesn't think they understand. They're getting five of the best jobs in advertising. They all go out for dinner to...celebrate.

They went out swinging.

Joan and Pete are taking their cab home and she realizes Jim Hobart didn't list a client for her and they'll never take her seriously over there.

Peggy cannot stop thinking about the woman with the kid. She starts talking about the difference between men and women and Stan gets it. He asks her what she did. 

Roger tells Don about Marie. Don's even more surprised to learn Megan knows and that it's not going away. 


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Mad Men Season 7 Episode 11 Quotes

McCann's moving us to their building. We lost our lease. Everything must go.


Peggy: They all have their own toy. If we want enthusiasm, we should just have one toy.
Stan: Like a Battle Royale. Just throw one in there and the last kid standing gets the gig? You hate kids.