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Zhilan is aware of the key and the box it goes to and is conversing with a man to steal the box.

Things are tense in the Shen household as Mei-Li and Jin prepare for dinner with Althea's fiance's parents. Althea thinks that Nicky should get romantically involved with Henry and teases her about how cute he is.

Nicky thinks that the measuring of the bride is ridiculous. Interestingly, her burn pain from the sword is flaring up.

Mei-Li wants everything top. Be perfect for the dinner with the Soongs.

Henry and Nicky continue to work on the mystery of the strange key, and henry found a children's fairytale in which the box appears. They find the identity of the man who owns a box VERY similar to the one that the key opens and start planning on how to obtain it.

Evan's background check on Henry is complete, and he learns that Henry has an extensive criminal record.

Nicky is concerned about the stealing, but Henry assures her that they won't steal anything.

Ryan and his boyfriend(?) are having bits of tension because Ryan is constantly working and not making time for him.

Althea and Dennis are both a bit nervous about the dinner with both sets of parents.

Henry reveals that he knows a LOT more than he should about breaking, which worries Nicky.

They break inside but aren't the only ones there. Zhilan's thief is there, and he takes Nicky down and steals the box before they could examine it.

Meanwhile, the dinner with the Shens and Soongs has begun.

Henry has a contact within the black market world and meets with him to find out who the thief was, while Nicky gets a call from Evan.

Evan tells her everything he knows about Henry, which leaves Nicky angry and skeptical. Nicky then witnesses that Henry did steal something from inside the collector's house to trade for information.

The information they received led them to Zhilan's thief-for-hire.

The dinner with the Soongs isn't going too well anymore. They overstepped, and put both Dennis and Althea in shock. Althea follows up that shock with a beautiful speech.

This speech was followed by both Dennis and her parents appreciative of her strength and will.

Meanwhile, Nicky confronts the thief. She challenges him to a fair fight, and epic action ensues. She bet the key, she would throw in the key if she lost, but if she won -- she got to take whatever was inside the box.

She wins, and they open the box, to reveal the sword's scabbard. She takes it, and the box gets shipped off to Zhilan.

Althea and Nicky start to talk about Nicky's kiss with Henry and reveals to Nicky about her sexual assault with the boss. It's a sweet moment, and Nicky is there to comfort her sister, the first person to comfort her in a long time.

Zhilan opens the box and reveals that it's empty. She's pissed.

Kung Fu
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Kung Fu Season 1 Episode 4 Quotes

Nicky: Not gonna lie Althea this buying of the bride thing sounds-
Althea: The academic term is bride price. Buying the bride is country. And what does it sound like?
Nicky: Like one of those cow shows.
Althea: Cow shows? Like a livestock auction?
Nicky: Yeah!
Althea: Look, Dennis' parents aren't measuring my girth and bidding on me with cash!

Mei-Li: Did you see the pair of pants Althea was wearing today? It looked like it was made of solid gold. A present from Mrs. Soong.
Jin: Solid gold pants huh? Sounds uncomfortable.