Louis Glows - Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 4
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Claudia, dressed in the babydoll dress, performs her play at the Théâtre des Vampires while Louis watches from the audience. In Dubai, Louis tells Daniel that Claudia had issues with it, while Armand says differently.

The play is a big hit, and the coven seems dismayed that Claudia has found success.

By the 500th performance, Claudia grows bored, and when she tells Armand, he chastises her. Claudia protests that she’s lost her passion and relives every condescending thing she’s ever heard while the mortals laugh.

Armand tells Claudia she will regain her passion and orders her to always dress in costume.

The coven hits back at Armand, who hasn’t been around as much and also goes after Louis, who Armand has allowed to shun coven membership. When Santiago asks if Armand and Louis are companions, Louis says no, while Armand says yes.

In bed later, Armand asks Louis what they call their relationship, and Louis says it is not a companionship. Armand admits that he risks a lot being with Louis and keeping his secret. He also tells Louis he needs to come around more.

While the two talk, dream Lestat is in the room, unbeknownst to Armand.

Daniel asks Louis if he’s schizophrenic, and Louis details how he could feel Lestat’s presence when he was with him. And Armand admits he didn’t know Lestat was there or as present as much as he was.

Daniel asks them about the fire at the theater, which they find suspicious since that information wasn’t provided in what they gave him. Daniel then deflects.

In Paris, Claudia spends time by the vaults and is caught by Santiago. He tells her she’s breaking the rules by writing in her journal, and she then reads from it to him. He tells her that Armand has an attachment to the laws, but when she tries to throw her journal away, he retrieves it for her.

Claudia hands out fliers for the show in the streets, giving one to the dressmaker, Madeleine.

The coven and Louis go out to eat, and when Louis starts talking to Claudia about art, Santiago mimics his voice from the other end of the table before Louis darts across the restaurant and grabs his tongue. Armand then freezes the room before Louis leaves.

Louis takes his art to a gallery owner who isn’t interested in his work.

In Dubai, Daniel looks at what he assumes are Louis’s photos, but Louis realizes they aren’t his and becomes confused as to why they’re there.

After a performance, Madeleine, who watched the performance, waits for Claudia outside, and the two hang out together at the shop.

Louis complains to Dream Lestat about the gallery owner, and Lestat critiques his photos. Armand then summons Louis for a walk.

Armand takes Louis to a museum, and they, along with Dream Lestat, walk around while Louis voices all his gripes about Armand to him.

Armand shows Louis a picture his maker made and talks about his history before he gets called by him.

Claudia tells Madeleine that there’s something broken in her. Soon after, Armand grabs Claudia from the shop, and she tells him she’s sick of being in the show, as it’s degrading. He lets it slip that he knows about Lestat and tells her that she will be doing more and that she needs to stop seeing Madeleine.

Lingering near the fray, Armand snatches up Santiago and tells him to know his place.

Louis burns the prints in his apartment before Claudia returns and yells at him for again choosing someone else over her.

Santiago and two others from the coven wait for Louis to leave the apartment, and when he does, Santiago flies to the balcony and looks around inside before stealing a journal.

Louis tells Dream Lestat they’re going out hunting but takes him to a park where he’s summoned Armand. As the two talk, Louis lets Lestat go, and he fades away.

Armand tells Louis he’s not sure he can stay obedient, and he knows that Santiago wants his job. He tells Louis to leave, but Louis says he’s staying to help him.

Louis tells Armand to throw Santiago a bone, as he’ll overplay his hand, and then the coven will beg to have him back, and he can decide if he wants to go.

In Dubai, Louis yells at Armand about the paintings while they dress for bed. Daniel has visions of his first interview and finds a folder on his computer with pictures from the night in San Francisco and audio, which he listens to.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 4 Quotes

Discipline Claudia for bumping into the scenery, but let Louis run wild.

Santiago [to Armand]

Louis: You promised you wouldn’t talk.
Lestat [mocking]: I love you.