Daniel Listens - IWTV0205 - Don't Be Afraid, Just Start the Tape - Interview with the Vampire
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The interview continues with Louis and Armand detailing past exploits to Daniel, who thinks Louis is circling something he wants to distance himself from.

They are interrupted by a man named Malik, who leaves with Armand. Louis explains to Daniel that since Armand rarely eats, he chases for it, promising people money in exchange if they aren’t caught.

Daniel, who continues to have flashes of memory from the San Franciso interview, asks Louis about Armand telling him before that he wouldn’t save his life again. He then asks Louis if they slept together during the first interview.

Flashbacks to San Franciso show Louis showing Daniel around his apartment. He shows him the coffin in the bedroom and then supplies Daniel with drugs.

Daniel starts to undress, but Louis wants to do the interview, not sleep with him, and they begin.

Daniel doesn’t believe Louis is a vampire until he shows his super speed and bares his fangs.

As the two discuss their initial conversation in Dubai, Louis tells Daniel he was terrified, while Daniel tells Louis he was lonely.

In the past, Louis talks about Lestat, and then Claudia, admitting he once was ready to kill himself. Daniel then says that he was given a gift, and all he does is bitch, before asking Louis to turn him.

Louis gets upset and attacks Daniel before Armand shows up and saves Daniel.

In Dubai, Daniel admits to Louis that he has audio from when Louis attacked and plays it for him.

In San Francisco, Armand is upset that he always has to clean up Louis’s messes. The two then begin to fight, with Louis calling Armand dull and the two mocking each other. Armand tells Louis that he was saying Lestat so much that it was pounding in Armand’s brain.

When Louis believes Claudia is calling out to him, Louis escapes the apartment and runs to the roof, where he begins to burn before Armand pulls him back inside.

In Dubai, Armand had forgotten this memory and begins to remember it with Daniel.

Louis, in pain with charred skin, apologizes to Armand. Armand then begins toying with Daniel, who is still alive. He questions why he’s so fascinating to Louis and gets into his mind to pull out his memories. He also plays the tapes from the interview and commandeers Daniel’s body.

In Dubai, Daniel remembers more from his time in the apartment, and Louis brings him to the rocks so he can dig deeper into his memories.

In San Francisco, Daniel hears Louis begging Armand to put him in the coffin, which Armand does, as well as feeding him blood. He tells Louis he knows where Lestat is and calls out to him, repeating Lestat’s words to Louis until he says, ‘I love you,’ prompting Armand to break their connection.

Armand leaves Louis in the coffin and returns to Daniel, telling him to rest. As he bites him, Louis returns, pleading with him not to kill Daniel. Armand obliges, and Louis begins talking to Daniel.

In Dubai, Daniel reads from one of the lines from his book he believed were told to him by a freebaser who burned in front of him. But he now realizes they were Louis’s words.

In San Francisco, Louis and Armand give Daniel more drugs and conflate his mind to forget what happened.

In Dubai, Daniel wonders why Armand cut Louis’s memories. Armand returns home, and the men tell him about revisiting the first interview. And Armand utters the exact words Louis told Daniel earlier about Arman preserving his happiness.

Interview with the Vampire
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Interview with the Vampire Season 2 Episode 5 Quotes

Daniel: All of your slickness at the bar, all that's gone.
Louis: What do I seem like now, boy?
Daniel: A veteran of many wars.

Louis: Armand could see I was partial to you. Armand preserves my happiness, even when I don't or can't. He had a hunch you might prove fruitful in later times.
Daniel: Okay, sure. Let's go with that.