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In the premiere episode of How To Get Away With Murder, four law students look to make an impression on the formidable Annalise Keating. A top defense attorney, Annalise also doubles as a Philadelphia law school professor. She invites her students to help with a high profile case and promises to select a few elite students to come work at her law firm. 

Annalise's case involves a mistress accused of attempting to murder her lover. Students Michaela and Connor both make strong impressions on Annalise by providing her with vital information she is able to use to her advantage at trial. Last minute addition Wes struggles a bit to catch up with his ambitious classmates, but does ultimately make an impression on Annalise. 

After winning her case, Annalise invites Michaela, Connor, Wes, Laurel and Asher to come work for her. 

Elsewhere on campus, the mysterious disappearance of Lila Stangard has griped the community. The girlfriend of a star football player, Lila is eventually found dead. It is eventually revealed that she was a student of Annalise's husband, Sam. 

Meanwhile, we flash forwrd three months to see Michaela, Connor, Wes and Laurel looking to cover up a murder. After moving the body from Annalise's office, the students take the body to the woods and decide to burn it. It is then revealed that the body is that of someone close to the Professor. 

How to Get Away with Murder
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