L - Sam Gazes - Hijack
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Sam tries to convince the kidnappers that the calm they'd achieved won't last long because everyone is on edge. He avoids answering the question about who he is.

They find his passport.

The other passengers are suspicious about Sam and why he seems friendly to the kidnappers. The kidnappers get into his phone and check messages.

Some passengers attack one of the kidnappers, but they are overpowered.

In London, Daniel calls someone he knows and asks her to help with figuring out what was happening with the flight.

A woman hurries to get her son to school. Her boss calls her and asks why she's late. She works in flight control.

The kidnappers warn the passengers against trying anything fishy again.

In London, flight operations check out the information delivered to them and contact Dubai. They are told it's a false alarm, but the controller responsible for clearing the flight doesn't believe everything is okay.

He checks the security footage and notices that a woman left work at the airport and has not been heard from.

He thinks something is wrong, so he decides to look for her at home

Sam finds a way to communicate with the pilot through a game chat room, and they devise a plan.

A call comes in from Iraq, whose airspace they are entering.

The controller demands to speak to the captain. The co-pilot is forced to answer the call, but the Iraqi controller demands to speak to the captain.

The captain finally answers and convinces them that everything is okay. Before leaving the cockpit, he steers the plane three degrees off course.

Eva drops her son off at school and reports for work.

She learns about the Kingdom flight and feels something is off. She asks her colleagues questions they can't answer.

The Saudi controller visits the young woman's house and finds two men. He is tricked into going upstairs and finds the young woman and her husband murdered. He is shot and killed.

Eva and her coworkers clock the shift, and they get confirmation that something really is wrong with the flight.

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Hijack Season 1 Episode 2 Quotes

Passenger 1: So, what did you do then? Come on, you must have done something.
Passenger 2: Don't talk to her like that.
Passenger 1: Well, think about it. They've not put her here for no reason.

Passenger 1: You all right, pet? What's happening?
Passenger 2: What's happening? There's a man up there who's gone over to their side. He's just betrayed us all to help himself. That's what's happening.