A Snow Selfie - Hallmark Channel
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Teagan’s photos are from her friend Charlotte’s gallery, but she needs someone to bid on them so she can repair the community center where she works.

She tells the kids she teaches that no two snowflakes are the same. After class, Julie’s dad is late, so she gives her a ride. She and Julie’s dad knew each other from high school, and Noah now runs Teagan’s dad’s snow plow business.

Calvin Garett is interested in Teagan’s photos. He offers to buy the entire collection and assist with the repairs if she can find the Stellar Dendrite, the rare 12-sided snowflake, by Christmas. He believes in a little Christmas magic.

Soon after, another photographer, Suzanne, tries showing her photos and gathering info about Teagan.

Teagan ambushes Noah, knowing he’d be heading up to Crescent Pass. The snow and atmosphere are ideal for finding her snowflake. He thinks it’s too dangerous, but she wants him to accompany her. She needs this photo to win the auction and help the town.

Noah keeps watching the radar at home while his daughter asks questions about him and Teagan. The next day, Teagan packs her car with her camera gear when Noah arrives. He agrees to help if they turn back if the weather becomes dangerous and if they take the snow plow.

Charlotte agrees to watch Julie. She goes overboard decorating the galley, and Suzanne learns more information, such as how Calvin Garret likes snowflakes and what kind of camera Teagan uses.

Teagan and Noah have easy banter about reading the weather. She admits this is the third year she’s hunted for this snowflake, but he’s encouraging. She gets a weather update and begs him to stop.

Teagan sets up a portable weather station to measure atmosphere and humidity. She tells them the snowflakes follow their path, and a 12-sided snowflake is two six-sided snowflakes fused on the way down.

Noah admits he loves where they grew up, and it was easy for him to move back there when Teagan’s dad retired.

Teagan worries that they may not remember their memories the same way, but Noah reassures her that they also mean a lot to him.

He covers his hands in black and begins taking photos, then brushes one off his eye. Things get awkward when he mentions her mom and learns she shot snowflakes, too. With the storm, the conditions are suitable for the snowflake. He wants to show her something.

Noah takes Teagan to a mountain that his grandfather used to take him to, where he taught him about the weather and life. From that mountain, they saw the Christmas star. The weather worsens, and they check into the Evergreen Inn, which is Charles Dickens-themed.

Julie wants to give her dad the perfect Christmas present, and Charlotte offers to help.

After raiding the fridge, they hear the carolers sing and share an intimate moment.

In the morning, Charlotte calls and warns Teagan that Suzanne has a snowflake photo, too, and Calvin is interested. Teagan is snappy when Noah arrives with coffee, but he knows where the storm has moved.

Julie asks Charlotte why her dad and Teagan broke up. Charlotte says they both had big dreams which sent them in different directions. Charlotte and Julie are team matchmaking captains.

Noah and Teagan hit black ice on the road. They’re all right, but the truck is stuck, and she’s frustrated because someone else is now trying to take snowflake photos. As she’s venting, they smell wood and shelter.

As they walk toward the shelter, Noah realizes this is a beautiful new adventure. Wayne from the Inn opens the door, welcomes them, and offers to help get the truck. He loves the holiday spirit.

Charlotte adjusts the photos as Julie comes in with the present. Julie is afraid of the storm, but Charlotte tries to distract them. Noah can’t get reception to reassure Julie.

He enjoys hunting for that snowflake with her. Snow started. Here they go. She tells him they need trees to block the wind. She jumps out and sets up her cloth, but it blows away, and she runs after it.

He chases her, yelling for her. He tells her to keep yelling so he can find her. A branch lands on her as he reaches her, and they embrace.

They go to check it and realize her camera is in the storm. He offers to check it, but she knows it’s too dangerous. Julie calls and is worried. Teagan says they didn’t find the snowflake.

He invites her inside and apologizes for not finding it. They both look heartbroken.

Suzanne’s photos are blurry, and her heart isn’t in them. Noah shows up at Teagan’s. He goes back for her camera, and she’s impressed he did that for her. This was their second chance and the photo was there.

Teagan finally got her rare photo and her happy ending.






Hallmark Channel
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Hallmark Channel Season 1 Episode 10 Quotes

Teagan: What if our memories weren’t the same? They meant so much to me. I didn’t want to lose them, too.
Noah: They meant a lot to me, too.

Noah: Teagan, do you know how dangerous that is? You can’t go up there looking for some snowflake?
Teagan: I can if you go with me.